
When imagining the tools of war, most people are quick to think of guns, tanks, or bombs. Very few people, however, would think of banks or economies as weapons. But the unfortunate reality is that control over banking can be an extremely effective weapon, and far easier to deploy.

In late 2010, this weapon was deployed against the whistleblowing site Wikileaks after they released diplomatic cables from the US State Department. Thanks to the simultaneous coordinated action of international banks and corporations Wikileaks was cut off from over 90 percent of their revenue overnight.

More recently, in February of this year, the Canadian government invoked emergency powers in the face of the “Freedom Convoy”, a protest by truck drivers against government vaccine mandates. One of these emergency powers was the ability the freeze the bank accounts of anybody who participated or supported the protests, without the need for a warrant. Even ordinary Canadian citizens who’d donated as little as ten or twenty dollars to the protest found themselves the target of these powers.

On an even grander scale, the removal of Russia from the SWIFT system, and the withdrawal of services like PayPal and others from the country is not only an economic weapon, but one employed indiscriminately against an entire civilian population. One that will hit the country’s poorest and least powerful citizens long before it affects the political and corporate class.

In all of these cases, the key to weaponizing finance was centralization. A powerful few hit a button, and their enemies or critics were debanked immediately. This should serve as a stark warning for anybody enjoying cashless payment systems. What can be done to Wikileaks, to Canadian truckers, or the the entire Russian economy, can just as easily be done to you.
これら全ての場合において、経済の兵器化は中央集権化により可能になりました。権力エリートがボタンを押すだけで、敵または批判的な声が一瞬で経済から除外することができます。最近のキャッシュレスブームに応援する人々に対して厳しい警告の役割を果たすべきでしょう。 今日はWikileaksやフリーダム・コンボイまたは一般ロシア国民がこの運命に遭うけど、誰にでも起きる可能性があります。

The emergence of Bitcoin and later other cryptocurrencies threatened to blunt the power of this weapon. Through Bitcoin, Wikileaks supporters were free to donate to the group, completely bypassing banks and credit card companies. The Canadian Freedom Convoy amassed over 21 BTC in donations from around the world, much of which was disbursed to truckers even after emergency powers started freezing bank accounts. And now governments around the world claim Russians will use cryptocurrency to bypass their sanctions.

Government attempts to control cryptocurrency have been slowly building steam for years. In 2019, the “Financial Action Task Force”, a globalist anti money laundering group, created the “Travel Rule”. This “travel rule” states that cryptocurrency exchanges should record and share information about the owners of cryptocurrency wallets when funds are withdrawn to them.

In March of 2021, the Japanese Financial Services Agency announced intent to adopt the FATF’s Travel Rules, coming into force in April 2022. As a result, all cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan are now requiring that users register a name and an address, either of an individual or a company, to external wallet addresses before funds can be transferred off the exchange and into a private wallet.

The true purpose of these Travel Rules, and the danger they post to free individuals, are very clear. Once a list of “approved wallets” attached to names and addresses is created and shared, it would be a simple matter to repurpose it as a White List for merchants and businesses who accept cryptocurrency payments. With the creation of more laws in the future, it would be a simple matter to criminalize any payments made to, or from, a wallet not approved by the FATF and their partners.

The FATF claims Travel Rules are required to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. But the financial punishment of Wikileaks and the Freedom Convoy, and the eagerness to use payments systems as a weapon against an enemy State, make it clear how Travel Rules will actually be used. Truly decentralized economies make it impossible to weaponize finance. Which is exactly why they’re so important.

In the past, we announced the Japanese translation of Bisq, the decentralized trading platform. Today, we’d like to announce a translated guide for one of the easier Fiat Currency to Bitcoin trading methods on Bisq; Amazon Gift Cards. Being easy to buy and send from any country to any other, they make a good starting point for new users who want to buy Bitcoin privately, without the need to comply with Travel Rules.

Naturally, Bisq still requires a Bitcoin security deposit in order to trade. So for those without any starting funds it may be necessary to use corporate exchanges once to begin with. We recommend creating a Single-Address Wallet exclusively for exchange withdrawals, then transferring any funds out of it into a new, unused address as quickly as possible to maintain some level of privacy. Once you have some cryptocurrency of your own, and no longer need a central exchange, your accounts and registered wallets can easily be abandoned.

There are other methods for Fiat-to-Bitcoin trades on Bisq, and we hope to provide more translations in the future. But for now, Amazon Gift Cards are a quick and easy way to begin trading, and we recommend as many people as possible move away from corporate exchanges as quickly as possible.

Decentralized economies are free economies. And cooperation with Travel Rules only helps governments centralize, and weaponize, what should be a permissionless system. The window of opportunity to escape the government’s surveillance economy is growing ever smaller. We recommend learning how to escape it now…while you still can.

(The following content is translated from the Bisq Project’s Wiki:)





  1. 地域的な利用可能性
  2. Bisqで支払いアカウントを追加する方法
  3. Amazonギフト券でBTCを購入する方法
    1. ステップ1. Amazonにログイン
    2. ステップ2. ギフト券の詳細を入力する
    3. ステップ3. 支払いをする
    4. ステップ4. 売り手は通知を受ける



ヨーロッパEUR様々なサイト (.fr, .de, etc)



💡 注記:各トレードしたい各国通貨のAmazonギフト券アカウントを作って対応国からAmazonギフト券を買うことによって国際的にトレードできます。Amazonギフト券は買われたサイトのみに交換できます。 例えば、から買われたカードはのみに交換できます。


  1. どちらか(メールか電話)を選択するのはビットコイン売り手がギフト券を受け取る方法のみに影響します(例:メールあるいはテキストメッセージで)。
  2. ここで使う電話番号またはメールアドレスは必ずしもAmazonアカウントとつながる必要はありません。ビットコイン売り手がギフト券を受け取ったら、どんなAmazonアカウントで交換できます。


ステップ1. Amazonにログイン


ステップ2. ギフト券の詳細を入力する


  • 金額:取引額と一致する法定通貨の金額を選択して下さい。 高額のギフト券はAmazonに不正取引と見なされる可能性があるのため、複数の1万円以下のギフト券を使う方が推奨されます。
  • 配送:売り手のメールアドレスまたは電話番号
  • 送り主:送り主として、Bisq内のAmazonギフト券アカウントと同じメールアドレスや電話番号を使うのが強く推奨されます。そうすると、売り手が確認して確信を持って支払いに応じることができます。
  • メッセージ:空欄にしておいても大丈夫です。メッセージを入力する場合、取引者チャットでトレードピアと確認して下さい。メッセージは確認されていない場合は空欄にしておく方がいい。

ステップ3. 支払いをする





ステップ4. 売り手は通知を受ける


💡 注記:売り手は通知を受けなかった場合、買い手はAmazonで購入履歴ページから通知(メールまたはテキストメッセージ)を再送できます。



アノニマスの見解 Ep.19:アンチファの正体

Hello everybody. And welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI.

Sadly, the descent into chaos and madness that is the year 2020 only seems to be accelerating month by month. Things are getting particularly dire for our American neighbors across the Pacific, as violent mobs burn cities, topple statues, and shoot bystanders under the pretense of protesting for social change.

It would be a mistake to say it’s only America’s problem, however. The same madness plaguing their country is starting to seep into Japan, and that brings us to today’s topic… Antifa.

For our overseas audience, the information in this video may be familiar, if not obvious. But what’s common knowledge abroad isn’t necessarily well-known in Japan, and one of our goals here is to inform our Japanese audience about the wider world.

In fact, some of our Japanese viewers may have heard the name “Antifa” before. Others might recognize their flags and symbols. Groups working under the banner of Antifa or their ideology have actually existed in Japan for many years… and I would know. Speaking personally, I’ve participated in some of their events in the past, though it’s an association I both regret and denounce now that I know them better.

More recently, Antifa flags have been seen at the numerous “Black Lives Matter” protests across Japan, to the degree where it’s fair to assume that their presence is both welcomed and encouraged by the BLM movement, such as it is.

But who, or what, exactly is “Antifa”? The answer to that question is more complicated than it may seem, in no small part because of the willful deception practiced by Antifa members themselves. So to understand the truth, we’ll need to peel back the layers of rhetoric and propaganda, and weigh their words against their actions.

But it is worth briefly looking at that rhetoric, if only to dismantle it. So let’s start with the first and most common fallacy:

“Antifa just means anti-fascist, so anybody who opposes fascism is Antifa”

This idea is a smokescreen often used to deflect criticism away from the ideology or actions of Antifa groups. This falsehood serves two purposes; it implies that opposing Antifa is morally equivalent to supporting fascism (an attempt to shame or silence criticism), and it whitewashes other, less palatable elements of the Antifa ideology such as the use of preemptive violence, or revolutionary Socialism.

When people say “Antifa”, they aren’t referring to the idea of being against fascism. They’re referring to discrete groups of individuals wearing a certain set of symbols, engaging in particular tactics (typically violent or coercive ones). Being opposed to fascism and hating Antifa are far from mutually exclusive.

“Antifa isn’t an organization, it’s just a set of ideas”

This one is interesting in that it’s technically true, but is often used in a misleading fashion. It’s certainly true that Antifa doesn’t have a top-down hierarchical structure, with a leader at the top giving orders to their forces around the globe. Antifa actually operates in a cell structure, with individual groups operating independently of each other following a common ideology.

This defense is often used to associate criticism of Antifa with supposed “conspiracy theories”. Saying that Antifa is a group isn’t the same as accusing them of them being a secret shadow army of the global elites.

The truth of the matter is, while Antifa may not function as a unified group, their organization makes it easy for them to be manipulated by outside forces. Many Antifa cells rely on outside sources of income, and that support can come with strings attached, or be selectively given to groups that align with outside interests. So while Antifa cells may be structurally and operationally independent, they can still be steered in a particular direction by whoever’s providing them with funding and resources.

So, beyond the rhetoric, what is the common ideology that unites these disparate Antifa cells?

It’s important to note that the concept of “Antifa” has existed at various points in history. In Germany in the 1930s, in the UK in the 1980s and 90s, and in Europe and North America from the 1990s onwards, just to name a few. There are common elements to these different iterations of Antifa, but for this video we’ll be focusing on the modern-day version in America, and its would-be imitators in Japan.

Fundamentally, there are two main elements to modern-day Antifa’s ideology. The use of coercive violence, and revolutionary Communism or at least Socialism.

Antifa uses coercive violence, or threats of violence, to terrorize critics and ideological opponents into silence. Antifa justifies this policy by claiming that their targets are fascists and that preventing them from having a platform to speak on, even peacefully, prevents them from gaining influence in society.

On both points, however, Antifa’s logic doesn’t hold water, and the claim that their targets are “only fascists” is extremely facetious. The reality is, anybody who opposes or criticizes them is conveniently labeled “fascist” in order to preemptively justify the use of violence. Alternatively, when targets are mistakenly attacked, the incident is either quietly ignored by Antifa or the target is retroactively labeled fascist to save face.

This creates a circular logic where any and all violence by Antifa groups becomes automatically justified. “I only attack fascists. I attacked that man, therefore he’s a fascist. If you oppose me or defend that man, you’re a fascist and I can attack you too”.

There are numerous incidents of violence by Antifa in America that illustrate this practice, and we’ll outline a few here:

The Berkeley Bike Lock Basher

On April 15th, 2017, an Antifa-affiliated man named Eric Clanton participated in counter action against a conservative speaking event on the UC Berkley campus. During the event, he used a bicycle lock as a weapon in multiple unprovoked assaults, seriously injuring three people.

The Portland Flag Incident

On August 4th, 2018, Paul Welch (a Bernie Sanders supporter) went to a rally carrying an American flag. In spite of the fact that he had nothing to do with the alt-right or fascism, he was attacked by multiple Antifa members leaving him with a bleeding wound and a concussion. Incidentally, Portland is the territory of “Rose City Antifa”, a named and branded Antifa cell mentioned in the Project Veritas leaks we translated for this channel. When reached out for comment, Rose City Antifa did not respond.
2018年8月4日に、ポール・ウェルシュ氏(バーニー・サンダーズ氏の支援者)はアメリカ国旗を持ちながらデモに参加しました。ウェルシュ氏がオルタナ右翼やファシストやらと無関係であるにも関わらず、複数人のアンチファメンバーに襲撃され、頭部に重症を負い入院しました。ちなみに、このチャンネルに翻訳し投稿された「Project Veritas」の動画で述べられたとおりに、ポートランド市は「ローズ・シティ・アンチファ」という団体の支配地域です。ローズ・シティ・アンチファはこの事件に関するコメントを求められましたが応じませんでした。

The Attack on Andy Ngo

In June 2019, journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by an Antifa mob in Portland as he was documenting their march. In addition to putting Andy in the hospital with injuries, Antifa members also stole film equipment from him after he fled the violence. Prior to the event, Andy had been targeted by threats of violence from Antifa, presumably to discourage him from reporting.

The “Minds IRL” Event
「Minds IRL」イベント事件

In August 2019, American political commentator and vocal critic of Antifa Tim Pool hosted a speaking event titled “Ending Racism, Violence, and Authoritarianism”. This event included left- and right-leaning speakers, and focused on encouraging conversation between different political groups instead of violence. Both the event and the venues hosting it were targeted by violent threats from Antifa, including a threat to burn the venue down that nearly led to it being canceled.

The Tucker Carlson House Call

In December 2019, the “Smash Racism DC” Antifa group posted the home address of FOX News anchor Tucker Carlson. Shortly thereafter, a group of Antifa members gathered outside his front door to threaten his family.

These are only a few examples, but they adequately demonstrate how Antifa operates. In all them, Antifa uses indiscriminate violence, or threats of violence, against journalists, critics, and even just random passersby. The idea that their violence is limited to “fascism” is pure propaganda.

Several mainstream media outlets in America, most of them overtly partisan, run cover for Antifa by framing their events as “protests” and blaming the violence on other groups. Other Antifa-supporting individuals will claim the violence is done by infiltrators and provocateurs.

But among Antifa, there’s a popular saying… “respect the diversity of tactics”. In other words, even Antifa members who don’t personally participate in violence will provide support and cover for those who do. Nonviolent groups and protestors who “respect the diversity of tactics” assist more militant Antifa members by shielding them from police, and selectively framing responses to Antifa violence as an attack on the protest event itself.

Many will also participate in what they call “Black Bloc tactics”, where people dress up in matching black outfits and masks, to make it harder to identify individuals who participate in violence, letting them vanish into the crowd.

The use of violence aside, there’s also Antifa’s overt support for revolutionary Communism or Socialism. While I’m personally not a fan of either Communism or Socialism, it’s the “revolutionary” part that’s the bigger problem. Antifa like to advertise themselves as “Resistance fighters”, saviours out to stop the rise of fascism.

What many people fail to realize is that Antifa’s ideology views any government, particularly capitalist governments, as enemies that need to be completely overthrown. Few of them are happy to talk about the chaos, death, and destruction that will result from the process of doing so.

In the wake of George Floyd’s widely publicized death in police custody, various groups including Black Lives Matter and Antifa took advantage of public anger to launch a campaign of destruction that would result in countless more victims than police violence could ever hope to create. While the tearing down of statues across America was a symbolic image that resonated with many, it was the wanton destruction of homes, business, and neighborhoods that showcased just how bloody and painful Antifa’s revolution would be for the average person in the street. Antifa, of course, has no time to talk about the little people crushed under the wheels of their glorious revolution.

Even fewer members of Antifa are happy to talk about their plans for after the revolution succeeds. Some naively believe that Antifa’s goal is to create a more humane society for everybody by toppling the pyramid of power run by the elites.

In reality, Antifa’s goal is only to displace the elites, not to abolish the pyramid. Once existing power structures are toppled, Antifa and their backers will fill the vacuum, creating a new power structure with themselves at the top. What would such a society look like? For a sample, one need look no further than Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or “the CHAZ”.

On June 8th 2020, the CHAZ was established when Antifa and other far-left rioters drove the police out of the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington and took over the police station. Following this, they built a set of big beautiful walls to keep foreign invaders out and handed out guns to loyalists to “keep the peace”. The results were very predictable.

In the space of a month, the CHAZ saw five shootings, two of them fatal, alongside other violence and abusive behaviour by CHAZ’s self-appointed militia. Antifa may have told everybody that they were protesting against fascism and police brutality, but as soon as they had control of even a small amount of territory, they immediately transformed it into a violent police state with themselves in charge. Expect more of the same if they ever succeed on a wider scale.

To be completely fair, it’s possible that some Antifa members want to oppose fascism but also oppose violence…and don’t “respect the diversity of tactics”. It’s also possible that naive or ignorant people participate in Antifa without fully understanding them. Again, I can point to myself as an example. To those people, our only advice is this. Look at the examples we’ve provided, look at the people around you, and ask yourself whether you want to be associated with a brand so deeply tied to violence and authoritarianism.

Back in 2008, Anonymous was started as a legal, peaceful, and largely fun set of protests against the Cult of Scientology. It later broadened into a global movement for freedom of expression online. But following Operation AntiSec in 2011, it began to morph into something else. Soon, groups of self-proclaimed hacktivists began to indiscriminately hack and threaten targets at random. Many lied and made up stories to justify their actions.

Around that time, we in Japan made a clean break from those other groups and their movement. We declared our adherence to legal, peaceful activities. We stood for the principle that creating victims and violating the rights of individuals is never justifiable. And we dedicated ourselves to creating tools and helping people communicate, instead of attacking and destroying.

Those who want to oppose fascism without creating victims, we invite you to break from Antifa, rebrand, and join us in condemning all forms of violence and authoritarianism by all groups, left or right.

And to all our viewers in Japan, remember this. The right to protest legally and peacefully is guaranteed in the Constitution, and should always be respected. But if you ever see these symbols in the ranks of the protestors, understand that it stands for violence and authoritarianism. It exists to exploit legal protests as cover for its campaign of terror.

If you’re a member of a protest and you see Antifa symbols, speak to your organizers about expelling them. If they refuse to expel Antifa, you may want to remove yourself from the protest completely. No matter what our politics may be, authoritarianism should always be our common enemy. Whether it comes in the form of State police violence or Antifa’s revolutionary violence, we can…and should…take a stand against it.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time, MACHIUKENASAI.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.9: 「私の安全に対して誰が責任を持っているのか?」

Hello internet. And happy birthday to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI, which is now one year old.

Sadly the series has lagged behind “once a month” like I had originally planned, but I’d rather focus on quality over quantity, so every two months might be more realistic. My apologies.

We spent a lot of time over 2017 talking about the Why and How of personal privacy and anti-surveillance. We talked about the dangers of the filter bubble and the skinner box, we talked about the dangers of government surveillance power, and we also talked about the tools you can use to protect yourself from both. But there is one more issue that needs addressing. What if these anonymity and privacy tools are abused?

As much as some try to paint the question as concern trolling, it is a valid one and it needs to be addressed. Encryption tools like Tor and PGP are free and available to all, which means they’re available to criminal groups as well. Crimes can be planned in encrypted chat. Harassment and abuse can hide behind Tor or a VPN. Private information can be anonymously leaked to the internet. The so-called Dark Web is home to a lot of morally questionable, even outright criminal onion sites.

To be clear, these are all terrible things. And they need to be opposed, and victims protected. But every time a bad actor earns the spotlight by doing these things, people point to their abuse and claim this is the reason why privacy tools should be kept out of common hands. But is this really fair?

It would be cliche to talk about how any tool can be abused; knives can cook dinner or slit throats, trucks can delivery goods or ram into crowds, etc. It would also be cliche to talk about how everybody has curtains on their windows and locks on their doors. These arguments, while valid, don’t really get to the heart of the matter. To understand this issue, the question we need to ask ourselves is, “Who is responsible for my safety?”

Safety is important, of course. It ranks second in Maslow’s hierarchy after physiological needs. But not everybody will see eye to eye on best way to maintain it, especially on the societal level. In our modern world, the standard is to entrust the government and police with our safety. And to a certain degree, that works. But it comes with a price.

When you outsource your security, you’re taking power out of your own hands and giving it to someone else. This opens you up to considerable risk. Sure, the police can protect you from criminals. Maybe. But if the police become corrupt, who’s going to protect you from them? If you give up the ability to defend yourself, or make self-defense illegal in the name of “public safety”, all you’re doing is exposing yourself to more danger in the long run. There are more than a few countries who put all of their trust in the State and ended up regretting it. Power does corrupt, after all. Even if you like and trust the police now, things can easily change in the future.

Ask yourself this: which would you prefer, having multiple weaker enemies and the ability to defend yourself, or being completely helpless against one powerful enemy?

Chinese people gave their government total control of the internet. Now the Communist Party of China monitors every citizen, and controls every word. North Korea is even worse. The Americans gave in to fear, and now look at the surveillance police state they live in.

Modern Japan is largely a safe country. The police do their job reasonably well… though when they make mistakes or go too far, the consequences can still be terrible. But in the online world, things are a bit different. As we’ve already talked about before, police and governments around the world seem to think that a Total Surveillance Panopticon is a good solution to policing the Internet. We, of course, disagree.

We feel that individuals on the Net are best served by having access to the tools and the knowledge to defend themselves. Yes, bad actors will take and use these tools too. But there are bad actors everywhere in life, and the only way to be completely safe at all times is to live in prison. The police will still investigate and arrest criminals, as they should, but everybody should also have the right…and the responsibility…to learn the basics of online security, and make their own choices about what risks they want to take. Anyone who tries to take that right away from you could potentially end up a bigger threat than any criminal.

And as for these bad actors themselves, the ones using privacy and anonymity tools for harmful ends, there’s really only one thing to say to them…

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time…MACHIUKENASAI.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.8: 快楽の牢獄

Hello internet,

In our last video we talked about decentralization, alongside anonymity and encryption, the three pieces of the Triforce of Internet Freedom. We’ve used several videos, in fact, to talk about how you can protect yourself online. But I think it’s time we spent a little more time talking about exactly why you should be protecting yourself, and what from.

The obvious answer is government surveillance, which certainly is a threat to your freedom. Political freedoms can’t exist when every action and every word is watched by government spies. But surveillance is only the most obvious threat, and the one most people at least try to avoid. The bigger threat is one that almost nobody recognizes, even as they actively seek it out and enjoy it. What you should be protecting yourself against isn’t just what you fear. It’s what you love.

With that said, let’s step back and introduce a few ideas we need to understand, starting with the concept of the “Filter Bubble”.

The Filter Bubble is a term coined by internet activist Eli Pariser around 2010, describing a phenomenon of online isolation caused by personalized search algorithms. These algorithms gather data like user location, past click-behavior, and search history, and then feeds back information it thinks users would like based on their past behavior. Over time, the algorithm filters out information it thinks the user won’t like and promotes what it thinks they will. Soon the user is surrounded only by information they agree with, while information they disagree with simply disappears.
「フィルターバブル 」はインターネット活動家であるイーライ・パリサーが2010年ごろに作った新語です。フィルターバブルとは、インターネット検索サイトやSNSのパーソナライズされたアルゴリズムによって生じるユーザー孤立化の現象です。そういうアルゴリズムが、ユーザーの情報(所在地、過去のクリック履歴、検索履歴など)に基づいてユーザーが見たい情報だろうと推定した検索結果を出す。時間と共に、ユーザーは嗜好に合わない情報から隔離され、実質的に彼ら自身の文化的、思想的な皮膜(バブル)の中に孤立するようになっていく。ついに、ユーザーに見える情報はすべて観点に合うものだけです。観点に合わない情報が消えます。

It’s important to remember that the user never sees this system. Usually they don’t even know it exists. From their perspective, their timeline and search results are simply always things they want or agree with. When this information is funny cat videos or food photos, it may not seem like such a big deal. But increasingly, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are becoming places where people engage with politics and get their news. And when black box algorithms are deciding for you what news and political opinions you should see, the threat of information control and manipulation becomes much more serious.

Beyond the Filter Bubble, there’s one more idea we need to understand; the Skinner Box. The idea of the Skinner Box comes from the work of American psychologist B.F. Skinner in the 1930s. Although I won’t go into his work in detail here, I recommend reading up on both him and his work on “Operant Conditioning” if you have the time. It’s interesting stuff.

The Skinner Box is a literal box used by psychologists to experiment on animal behavior. The box usually has a lever for the animal to push, and a food dispenser to feed the animal as a reward for correct behavior. For more details on how this works, let’s turn to とらますく先生:

One of the most important lessons learned from the Skinner Box is that simply rewarding a behavior every time it’s performed isn’t an efficient way to reproduce it. Instead, rewarding behavior after a random time period has much better results, as Skinner himself pointed out:

Skinner: The main thing is what we call “schedules of reinforcement”, what the layman calls “reward”, and you can schedule it so that a reward occurs every now and them when a pigeon does something. We usually use a response where the pigeon pecks a disc on the wall, and you can reinforce with food. But you don’t reinforce every time, you do it every tenth time, or once per minute, or something like that … and there is a good example of how you can move from the pigeon to the human case, because one of the schedules that’s very effective is what we call the “variable ratio schedule” and that is at the heart of all gambling devices and has the same effect.”

Skinner’s example of gambling is appropriate, because unfortunately the Skinner Box technique has been applied heavily in the areas of video games and social media. Gacha-style mobile games are the perfect example of this in Japan, but even overseas, more and more AAA gaming companies are putting in “loot boxes”, which employ the same technique of anticipation and random rewards.

But it isn’t just video games. Accoring to author Adam Alter, Facebook, Twitter, and more use exactly the same techniques to keep users addicted to their platforms. Refreshing your timeline to check for Likes or Comments is mechanically the same as gambling, or playing a Gacha game. You do an action and get a variable reward, the reward in this case being social attention. And it all keeps your attention on the app, where the advertisements are.

This loop of Action, Anticipation, Variable Reward is the essence of the Skinner Box, and this exploitation of human psychology is what keeps you coming back long after the action itself has lost its novelty.

So why is all this important? What does social media advertising or pay-to-win games have to do with surveillance and privacy? Well, the Filter Bubble and the Skinner Box are creepy and manipulative enough on their own. But their real danger lies not in how they’re used, but how they can be abused.

The Filter Bubble is designed to study your behavior and give you what it thinks you want. But the algorithm behind this is a black box controlled by the company. With a few minor changes, it can just as easily be programmed to give you what somebody else wants you to see. You can be isolated from all opinions except those held by those in control of the algorithm.

Once your environment is controlled, the Skinner Box takes over. The system encourages you to say, think, and do the right things, and rewards you when you do. The more you’re rewarded, the more you repeat the action. From here, the Filter Bubble and the Skinner Box form a perfect loop. You’re shown content that is designed to make you react, and provide the system with more information about what makes you react. The system learns more about how to control you with every click you make. Nowhere are you provided a choice in what you see. This can be used to make you buy anything, from instant ramen to political parties.

And the worst part about it is that you never think you’re being controlled. You think you’re making your own choices, but the options given to you and the information about them can be carefully controlled to guide you to the decision somebody else wants you to make.

If you doubt that governments and intelligence agencies are eyeing these technologies, you need look no further than the example of Pokemon GO. Niantic, the company behind Pokemon GO, shares staff and technology with a company called “Keyhole”, which in turn received funding from In-Q-Tel, a CIA-run venture capital firm.
政府と諜報機関がこの技術には興味あるとは思えないなら、ポケモンGOを見てみればいい。ポケモンGOアプリを作った会社「ナイアンティック」は他の会社、「Keyhole Inc.」、からスタッフや技術を獲得しました。そしてKeyholeは米CIAに設立された「In-Q-Tel」というベンチャー投資会社から投資を受けました。

Even if we ignore these shady connections, what Pokemon GO can do is scary enough by itself. It’s already been proven that a rare Pokemon appearance in Central Park can draw hordes of people. And Niantic has worked together with several prefectural governments in Japan, including Fukushima, to make valuable Pokemon appear to draw in more tourists. Niantic has the power to push a button and change peoples’ decisions about whether or not they want to go somewhere. The game is now controlling the player. Stop and think about that.

This is what we need to defend ourselves against. This is why we should guard against what we love as much as what we fear. Decentralization counters the rise of the Filter Bubble. Anonymity prevents systems from connecting your actions to your identity. And Encryption interferes with the ability of the system to study the content of your conversations and activities. Together, the Triforce of Internet Freedom breaks the loop between Filter Bubble and Skinner Box, and helps put you back in control of yourself.

Am I telling you to quit social media? Or to stop playing Gacha or Loot Box games? Not exactly, though you can if you want, and I’d certainly encourage it. All I want you to do is be aware of these systems, and how others are trying to manipulate you. If you want to keep using them, you can choose to do so. As long as it was really you who made that choice.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time…MACHI UKE NASAI.