









アノニマスの見解 Ep.20: 「グレート・リセット」を防ぎ止めよう

Hello everyone. And welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI.

The year 2020 is over, and a new year has begun. And as many people have come to realize, our problems don’t go away just by making a number increase. If anything, they’ve probably gotten worse. And promise to grow worse yet.

Of these problems, one of the biggest might be the (completely justified) loss of faith in mainstream institutions… particularly news media. To anybody paying attention, mainstream media has always been biased propaganda, of course. But over the last few years they’ve been doing a remarkably bad job of hiding it… to the point where even the common person in the street is starting to notice. And the vacuum created by this loss of faith is, unfortunately, filled by opportunists and lunatics in equal measure.

Now, I’m not saying this is necessarily by design… but it does result in a fog-of-war effect with regards to information online. Every nugget of truth is buried beneath overconfident speculation and straight-up lies. Hiding the truth in the age of information may not be easy, but a high enough noise-to-signal ratio makes it very difficult to verify, let alone find.

Case in point, the “Great Reset”. You may have heard the name before, but what exactly it is depends on who you ask. To some groups, it’s a plan by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to overthrow sovereign nations and install a communist one world government. To others, it’s a go-nowhere moonshot project cooked up at the Davos forum and doomed to failure. And to the media propagandists, it’s a fabricated conspiracy theory with no connection to reality.

Rather than argue over which version is correct, we’d like to cut through the fog of war entirely and examine the World Economic Forum’s own website on the Great Reset, where they make no effort to hide the fact that it does, in fact, exist and is being seriously considered by several world leaders. And as we’ll quickly see, even by the WEF’s own description, the Great Reset is a terrible idea that should never be realized.

The WEF begins by talking about the deep economic impact caused by COVID-19 lockdowns in countries across the world. These impacts are real, certainly… though largely caused by mandatory, government imposed closures enforced at virtual gunpoint. In the US and Europe in particular, businesses have been forcibly closed against the will of both owners and customers, and punishing fines have been given for the smallest infractions by the few businesses that are allowed to remain open. It’s interesting to note that a recent Standford study found “no clear benefits” to these lockdown measures… in other words, they did little to stop the spread of the Chinese virus. But they did, conveniently, bring about the “sharp economic downturn” that the WEF cites as justification for their plans.

“To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short”, says the WEF, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism”.

What specific changes does this “Great Reset” involve? The WEF is short on specifics, but big on lofty rhetoric. According to their site, they want to “steer the market towards fairer outcomes” and for governments to “promote more equitable outcomes”. What exactly does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine, but words like “fair” and “equitable outcomes” are certainly red flags. They may conjure positive images in most people’s minds, but they’re also very subjective. What constitutes “fair” is an opinion that requires a central authority to determine, and where necessary, adjust outcomes to create the kind of “fairness” it envisions. This is completely different from “equality of opportunity”, where people are given the same starting conditions but have to achieve results through their own effort.
「グレート・リセット」はどのような変革をもたらすのか? WEFは言葉遣いは仰々しいですが、その中身は乏しいです。サイトによれば、「より公平性のある市場を目指し舵取り」をしたい、そして世界中の政府に「より公平な結果を促進すること」をしてもらいたい。具体的に何をすべきかは我々の想像に任せられたらしい。でも「公平性」や「公平な結果」という言葉遣いは、一目して肯定的なイメージを呼び起こしますが、これらの言葉は実際には極めて主観的であり、危険信号と言えるでしょう。何が「公平」で何が「不公平」であるかどうかは、それぞれ異なる個人同士の意見の問題だし、事実上、決定するためには中央権力機構が必要です。その中央権力機構が決定する「公平な結果」を実現するには「強制的な調整」も必要です。これは「機会均等」、つまり同じ出発点から自分の努力で結果を得ることとは全く違います。

We are given a glimpse, however, of the WEF’s vision of a post-Great Reset world in the form of their marketing material. As far back as 2016, the WEF’s Twitter account posted an image declaring that in the year 2030 “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. Whether this was a suggestion, a promise, or a threat remains in question, since they deleted it last year after it started getting more negative attention than they wanted.
しかし、WEFは販促資料の形で彼らが部分的に「グレート・リセット後の世界観」を披露しました。かつて2016年に、WEFのTwitterアカウントはこの画像を投稿しました :「2030年、あなたの私有物は存在しなくなるだろう。だからこそ幸せになる」 これは提案なのか、約束なのか、それとも脅しなのか未だ不明ですが、その画像は去年に好ましくない形で注目を浴びた後、WEFが投稿を削除しました。

That image was based on a 2016 blog post by Ida Auken, a member of the Danish Parliament, who laid out her predictions for the year 2030 after the Great Reset was realized. These predictions include not owning your own clothing, sharing your house with random strangers, and living under round-the-clock total surveillance. Put simply, Ms. Auken’s idea of a perfect world was one where citizens owned no property at all, and only temporarily rented everything, including clothing and housing, from the government. Between “green energy” and recycling, Ms. Auken assumes there will never be a shortage of resources, and everybody can have whatever they want at any time.

After the post gained more attention, Ms. Auken attempted to clarify that this was not her utopia or dream of the future… but it’s very difficult not to read a tone of gushing praise in her predictions, nor the tone of condescension towards people who reject her fantasy world. As for the perpetual surveillance, her half-hearted concerns about it occupied a mere four sentences out of an 882-word essay. Hardly a balanced assessment of pros and cons.

It’s difficult to say whether Ms. Auken’s vision is representative of the WEF’s plans for the Great Reset, but the fact that her blog post made its way into their official PR material certainly suggests they approve of it. And that should be worrying for a number of reasons. No matter how utopian her vision of a post-scarcity future may be, it is built on the premise of stripping human beings of their agency. The reality of resource limits and the flaws of centrally planned economies means that inevitably, people will stop being able to get whatever they ask for, and will start being told what they can and can’t have… whether they’re happy with it or not. And when you own nothing, not even the clothes on your back or the roof over your head, this means your survival is completely dependent on whoever provides them to you.

The power to provide you with everything also necessarily means the power to deny you access to anything. Considering we already live in a world where mainstream political parties in the US or Australia are openly discussing denying banking or travel services to people for their political beliefs or medical decisions, it’s very believable to think a Great Reset government would happily do the same. Pair that with the total surveillance that Ms. Auken fully admits will exist, and you have the makings of a disturbing dystopia where you get to choose between total obedience to your benefactors, or being left a penniless outcast…similar to how Chinese Social Credit already functions.

Whatever the WEF’s real plans are for the Great Reset, it’s difficult to dismiss the whole thing as an impossible dream project. Leaders in the UK and Canada have already spoken in support of the idea, with terms like “build back better” as their slogan. And always insisting that COVID-19 has created a “small window of opportunity” that must be exploited quickly “before its too late”.

Rushed decision-making in a crisis is almost universally a bad idea, and sweeping changes to our society and economy should not be made by a small handful of oligarchs at the Davos Forum. Given that the WEF’s partners include Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and large firms with ties to the authoritarian Chinese government (to say nothing of other sinister, influential groups), there is almost no reason to believe the WEF’s ideas for a Great Reset will benefit the average citizen. Many of these partners are actively engaged in censorship and authoritarianism, and they will absolutely try to influence the shape of this new society to their own benefit. Far from Ida Auken’s utopia, the post-Great Reset world is more likely to be an Orwellian dystopia.
危機的状況の中で、重要なことに関して急いで決断してしまうと、物事は大抵劣悪な方向へ進むこととなります。また、とある判断が社会や経済にとって劇的な変化が伴う場合は、それをダボス会議に参加資格があるような、少数の選ばれたエリート達のみに任せるべきではありません。 WEFのパートナーの中にはグーグル、アマゾン、フェイスブック、アップル社、そして中国政府とつながりがある大企業(そして他の不吉な集団)も含まれていることも忘れないで欲しいのです。 WEFが計画する「グレート・リセット」という代物は一般の国民の利益になるわけがありません。そのパートナーの中には検閲や権威主義的な行為に賛同・参加する団体があまりにも多いのです。彼らはグレート・リセット計画に対し、自分たちの利益のために大いに影響を与えることでしょう。しかしそれは、イーダ・アウケン氏が夢想した理想的な世界とは程遠く、ジョージ・オーウェルが小説『1984年』で描いていたようなディストピアにすぎないでしょう。

Whether the Great Reset is a world domination plot or a foolish bureaucratic pipe dream, the threat it poses is the same. Sweeping changes on the scale the WEF proposes have all the same potential for damage either way. Rather than argue about the WEF’s intentions or loyalties, we’re better off focusing on our common area of interest: trying to prevent it from happening in the first place.
さて、一体グレート・リセットとは世界を支配するための計画なのでしょうか。それとも愚かな官僚支配主義的な妄想にすぎないのでしょうか。いずれにせよ、もたらされる危険は同じです。WEFが求めているような急激過ぎる変革は全世界の社会にダメージを及ぼす可能性が十分にあります。 WEFの本当の目的について議論するより、共通の目的に集中させる方が効果的です。

There’s no denying that problems exist in our societies and economies. And where an opportunity exists to make changes, it should be taken. But for these changes to be lasting and positive, they need to be created consensually by individuals and communities from the bottom up, not unilaterally by elites and oligarchs from the top down. The Great Reset is a bad idea, and the next time you see a wealthy executive or elite politician urging the need to “build back better”, you should remember that they don’t have your best interests at heart.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI… and until next time, MACHIUKE NASAI.



アーカイブを使って、できる限りページを元に戻しましたけど、ニュース投稿のバックアップを入手したら、ニュース投稿も元に戻したい。今のところご理解下さい 。

m(_ _)m


The cryptocurrency market in Japan has seem many ups and downs since the rise of Bitcoin and its various Altcoin offshoots over the last decade.

There was a time when Japan was regarded as an up-and-coming leader in cryptocurrency legislation. In 2017, Japan declared Bitcoin legal tender. Japanese banks began to openly consider the use of blockchain technology for their own services. Shops and restaurants across the country began accepting crypto, while Bitcoin ATMs and exchange platforms appeared one after the other.

But over time, the situation began to change. In 2018, the Financial Services Agency began to pressure exchanges to drop support for privacy coins like Monero and ZCash. This escalated into a full ban in July of that year, which coincidentally aligned with the launching of PayPay, a centralized and corporate controlled cashless payment system. Bitcoin ATMs began to slowly disappear around the same time, and businesses accepting crypto began to wane as well. In 2019, the National Police Agency spent nearly 3 billion yen on internet surveillance tools, including software to monitor popular cryptocurrency blockchains and their transactions.

What started as a decentralized technology enabling peer-to-peer finance between individuals has instead become a sterile corporatized market, surveilled and restricted by the very institutions it was made to circumvent. Japanese users who wish to purchase privacy coins could still register with overseas exchanges. But considering the willingness of Japanese ISPs to cooperate with government requests for Site Blocking, they could very easily restrict access to foreign exchanges in the near future. Even if they didn’t, all transactions originating from Japan would be subject to Police surveillance. And the case of Coinhive and Moro-san has shown that the Japanese Police are willing to crack down harshly on anybody who even dabbles in privacy coins.

And all of this strikes us as a terrible waste of potential. Which is why we feel it’s necessary to tip the balance of power, however slightly, back towards the individual.

On November 24th, 2020, v1.5.0 of “Bisq” was released. Bisq is a decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange allowing individuals to freely trade cryptocurrency without the need for permission from any centralized entity. By routing all traffic through the Tor network, it provides a layer of privacy and anonymity for traders, while an automated escrow and robust arbitration system discourages fraud.

More importantly, v1.5.0 is the first version of the Bisq client to be fully localized into Japanese. And because Bisq allows permissionless trades between individuals, it allows Japanese users to trade in privacy-respecting cryptocurrency while shielding themselves from the brunt of the Police’s surveillance powers. While Bisq alone is not enough to guarantee total privacy or anonymity, it is another useful tool in the toolbelt for the privacy-conscious Japanese citizen.

A peer-to-peer currency is meaningless if it’s bottlenecked through a centralized marketplace. We encourage all Japanese cryptocurrency traders to use Bisq, and free themselves from the arbitrary limitations of corporate exchanges.


In the second year of the Reiwa Era, Japan is facing unprecendented change. Along with the arrival of a new Prime Minister, the nation is also being promised a new “Digital Agency” that will cut through the red tape of the old bureaucracy and modernize government for the betterment of its citizens.

But will it truly better the lives of citizens? Or will it only enhance the power of an already powerful government?

One of the policy goals of this “Digital Agency” is to expand the use of the already unpopular MyNumber system, which consolidates the personal and financial information of citizens into a single database under constant government surveillance.

In recent years, we have also seen the creation of Chinese-style Social Credit score systems such as “JScore”, which offer an inescapable Panopticon in exchange for a few paltry virtual points or discount coupons. Though JScore is a private venture, it is already known that Japan’s “Digital Agency” will lean heavily on the private sector. The possibility for the integration of JScore into the MyNumber system is not only possible, but likely.

Finally, the cooperation of certain Japanese agencies… most notably the Cabinet Intelligence Research Office and the Directorate for Signals Intelligence… with foreign intelligence agencies shows that not only is total surveillance of the Japanese internet happening, it is largely done at the behest of foreign powers.

The likelihood that all of these things to be integrated and expanded upon under the “Digital Agency” creates the potential for a total surveillance state under which the citizens’ right to privacy will be violated as never before.

That potential is already in the process of being realized. It was only one year ago that the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications wanted to request Japanese ISPs to actively block websites under the pretense of stopping manga piracy. Now the Ministry has yet another “interesting proposal” to offer.

On May 23rd this year, Japanese wrestler Hana Kimura tragically ended her own life. The media was quick the seize upon the story, making hateful internet comments the sole reason for Hana Kimura’s passing. Popular anger was mobilized, and then exploited to lobby for amendments to laws governing the Disclosure of Sender Identification Information. These laws provide liability protection to service providers and online platforms when requested to disclose personal information of their users in response to lawsuits.
今年の5月23日に、女子プロレスラー木村 花さんは悲しいことに自ら命を絶ってしまいました。マスコミは早急にこの事件に付け込み、木村さんの自殺を全部オンライン中傷コメントのせいにしました。これを口実に世論を利用し、政府が発信者情報開示に関する法律への改正を働き掛けました。この法律は、情報の流通によって権利の侵害があった場合について、プロバイダーの損害賠償責任の制限そして発信者情報を開示する権利を定めます。

Under new proposals, internet service providers and platform operators would be requested to not only maintain logs of user IP addresses and timestamps of user activity, but also to disclose phone numbers used for Two-Factor Authentication. Lawyers in favor of these amendments even speak of automated infrastructure to more quickly and easily harvest phone numbers and other identifying information on request from providers.

Online slander can certainly cause problems and even harm to individuals, but increased surveillance is not an acceptable solution. Indeed, any such surveillance power is likely to be abused under the umbrella of a future “Digital Agency”, with the definition of “slander” expanded to include government critics and independent journalists.

As we have often said in the past, relying on third parties to defend your rights is almost the same as having no rights at all. They only exist as far as your ability to defend them yourself, and the right to privacy is no different. If the Japanese government wishes to collect identifying information from online platforms, then our only choice is to use platforms that cannot provide any identifying information at all.

In the past, we have introduced a variety of software solutions to allow you to protect your own privacy online. This time、in response to the Caller Information Disclosure proposals, we wish to introduce “Session”.

Session is an open-source messaging application which uses decentralised storage servers and an onion routing protocol to send end-to-end encrypted messages with minimal exposure of user metadata. Session works to reduce metadata collection in several ways:
セッション はオープン・ソース、安全なメッセンジャーアプリです。分散型記憶サーバ、そしてオニオンルーティング・プロトコルにより、メタデータの暴露をできる限り防止しながら、終端間暗号化されたメッセージを通信します。

Firstly, Session does not rely on central servers, instead using a decentralised network of thousands of nodes.

Secondly, Session ensures that IP addresses cannot be linked to messages sent or received by users.

Thirdly, Session does not ask or require users to provide a phone number or email address when registering a new account. Instead, it uses cryptographic keys as the basis of an account’s identity.

Session has recently been translated into Japanese, and is available for download on a variety of platforms. Session is also part of a larger project, “Lokinet”, which provides more tools and infrastructure to help you protect your own privacy online. We are currently translating Lokinet documentation into Japanese, in hopes for a Japanese version on final release.

We encourage all Japanese internet users to follow the development of both Session and Lokinet, and begin embracing privacy protecting infrastructure now, before the “Digital Agency” fully rises to power.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.19:アンチファの正体

Hello everybody. And welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI.

Sadly, the descent into chaos and madness that is the year 2020 only seems to be accelerating month by month. Things are getting particularly dire for our American neighbors across the Pacific, as violent mobs burn cities, topple statues, and shoot bystanders under the pretense of protesting for social change.

It would be a mistake to say it’s only America’s problem, however. The same madness plaguing their country is starting to seep into Japan, and that brings us to today’s topic… Antifa.

For our overseas audience, the information in this video may be familiar, if not obvious. But what’s common knowledge abroad isn’t necessarily well-known in Japan, and one of our goals here is to inform our Japanese audience about the wider world.

In fact, some of our Japanese viewers may have heard the name “Antifa” before. Others might recognize their flags and symbols. Groups working under the banner of Antifa or their ideology have actually existed in Japan for many years… and I would know. Speaking personally, I’ve participated in some of their events in the past, though it’s an association I both regret and denounce now that I know them better.

More recently, Antifa flags have been seen at the numerous “Black Lives Matter” protests across Japan, to the degree where it’s fair to assume that their presence is both welcomed and encouraged by the BLM movement, such as it is.

But who, or what, exactly is “Antifa”? The answer to that question is more complicated than it may seem, in no small part because of the willful deception practiced by Antifa members themselves. So to understand the truth, we’ll need to peel back the layers of rhetoric and propaganda, and weigh their words against their actions.

But it is worth briefly looking at that rhetoric, if only to dismantle it. So let’s start with the first and most common fallacy:

“Antifa just means anti-fascist, so anybody who opposes fascism is Antifa”

This idea is a smokescreen often used to deflect criticism away from the ideology or actions of Antifa groups. This falsehood serves two purposes; it implies that opposing Antifa is morally equivalent to supporting fascism (an attempt to shame or silence criticism), and it whitewashes other, less palatable elements of the Antifa ideology such as the use of preemptive violence, or revolutionary Socialism.

When people say “Antifa”, they aren’t referring to the idea of being against fascism. They’re referring to discrete groups of individuals wearing a certain set of symbols, engaging in particular tactics (typically violent or coercive ones). Being opposed to fascism and hating Antifa are far from mutually exclusive.

“Antifa isn’t an organization, it’s just a set of ideas”

This one is interesting in that it’s technically true, but is often used in a misleading fashion. It’s certainly true that Antifa doesn’t have a top-down hierarchical structure, with a leader at the top giving orders to their forces around the globe. Antifa actually operates in a cell structure, with individual groups operating independently of each other following a common ideology.

This defense is often used to associate criticism of Antifa with supposed “conspiracy theories”. Saying that Antifa is a group isn’t the same as accusing them of them being a secret shadow army of the global elites.

The truth of the matter is, while Antifa may not function as a unified group, their organization makes it easy for them to be manipulated by outside forces. Many Antifa cells rely on outside sources of income, and that support can come with strings attached, or be selectively given to groups that align with outside interests. So while Antifa cells may be structurally and operationally independent, they can still be steered in a particular direction by whoever’s providing them with funding and resources.

So, beyond the rhetoric, what is the common ideology that unites these disparate Antifa cells?

It’s important to note that the concept of “Antifa” has existed at various points in history. In Germany in the 1930s, in the UK in the 1980s and 90s, and in Europe and North America from the 1990s onwards, just to name a few. There are common elements to these different iterations of Antifa, but for this video we’ll be focusing on the modern-day version in America, and its would-be imitators in Japan.

Fundamentally, there are two main elements to modern-day Antifa’s ideology. The use of coercive violence, and revolutionary Communism or at least Socialism.

Antifa uses coercive violence, or threats of violence, to terrorize critics and ideological opponents into silence. Antifa justifies this policy by claiming that their targets are fascists and that preventing them from having a platform to speak on, even peacefully, prevents them from gaining influence in society.

On both points, however, Antifa’s logic doesn’t hold water, and the claim that their targets are “only fascists” is extremely facetious. The reality is, anybody who opposes or criticizes them is conveniently labeled “fascist” in order to preemptively justify the use of violence. Alternatively, when targets are mistakenly attacked, the incident is either quietly ignored by Antifa or the target is retroactively labeled fascist to save face.

This creates a circular logic where any and all violence by Antifa groups becomes automatically justified. “I only attack fascists. I attacked that man, therefore he’s a fascist. If you oppose me or defend that man, you’re a fascist and I can attack you too”.

There are numerous incidents of violence by Antifa in America that illustrate this practice, and we’ll outline a few here:

The Berkeley Bike Lock Basher

On April 15th, 2017, an Antifa-affiliated man named Eric Clanton participated in counter action against a conservative speaking event on the UC Berkley campus. During the event, he used a bicycle lock as a weapon in multiple unprovoked assaults, seriously injuring three people.

The Portland Flag Incident

On August 4th, 2018, Paul Welch (a Bernie Sanders supporter) went to a rally carrying an American flag. In spite of the fact that he had nothing to do with the alt-right or fascism, he was attacked by multiple Antifa members leaving him with a bleeding wound and a concussion. Incidentally, Portland is the territory of “Rose City Antifa”, a named and branded Antifa cell mentioned in the Project Veritas leaks we translated for this channel. When reached out for comment, Rose City Antifa did not respond.
2018年8月4日に、ポール・ウェルシュ氏(バーニー・サンダーズ氏の支援者)はアメリカ国旗を持ちながらデモに参加しました。ウェルシュ氏がオルタナ右翼やファシストやらと無関係であるにも関わらず、複数人のアンチファメンバーに襲撃され、頭部に重症を負い入院しました。ちなみに、このチャンネルに翻訳し投稿された「Project Veritas」の動画で述べられたとおりに、ポートランド市は「ローズ・シティ・アンチファ」という団体の支配地域です。ローズ・シティ・アンチファはこの事件に関するコメントを求められましたが応じませんでした。

The Attack on Andy Ngo

In June 2019, journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by an Antifa mob in Portland as he was documenting their march. In addition to putting Andy in the hospital with injuries, Antifa members also stole film equipment from him after he fled the violence. Prior to the event, Andy had been targeted by threats of violence from Antifa, presumably to discourage him from reporting.

The “Minds IRL” Event
「Minds IRL」イベント事件

In August 2019, American political commentator and vocal critic of Antifa Tim Pool hosted a speaking event titled “Ending Racism, Violence, and Authoritarianism”. This event included left- and right-leaning speakers, and focused on encouraging conversation between different political groups instead of violence. Both the event and the venues hosting it were targeted by violent threats from Antifa, including a threat to burn the venue down that nearly led to it being canceled.

The Tucker Carlson House Call

In December 2019, the “Smash Racism DC” Antifa group posted the home address of FOX News anchor Tucker Carlson. Shortly thereafter, a group of Antifa members gathered outside his front door to threaten his family.

These are only a few examples, but they adequately demonstrate how Antifa operates. In all them, Antifa uses indiscriminate violence, or threats of violence, against journalists, critics, and even just random passersby. The idea that their violence is limited to “fascism” is pure propaganda.

Several mainstream media outlets in America, most of them overtly partisan, run cover for Antifa by framing their events as “protests” and blaming the violence on other groups. Other Antifa-supporting individuals will claim the violence is done by infiltrators and provocateurs.

But among Antifa, there’s a popular saying… “respect the diversity of tactics”. In other words, even Antifa members who don’t personally participate in violence will provide support and cover for those who do. Nonviolent groups and protestors who “respect the diversity of tactics” assist more militant Antifa members by shielding them from police, and selectively framing responses to Antifa violence as an attack on the protest event itself.

Many will also participate in what they call “Black Bloc tactics”, where people dress up in matching black outfits and masks, to make it harder to identify individuals who participate in violence, letting them vanish into the crowd.

The use of violence aside, there’s also Antifa’s overt support for revolutionary Communism or Socialism. While I’m personally not a fan of either Communism or Socialism, it’s the “revolutionary” part that’s the bigger problem. Antifa like to advertise themselves as “Resistance fighters”, saviours out to stop the rise of fascism.

What many people fail to realize is that Antifa’s ideology views any government, particularly capitalist governments, as enemies that need to be completely overthrown. Few of them are happy to talk about the chaos, death, and destruction that will result from the process of doing so.

In the wake of George Floyd’s widely publicized death in police custody, various groups including Black Lives Matter and Antifa took advantage of public anger to launch a campaign of destruction that would result in countless more victims than police violence could ever hope to create. While the tearing down of statues across America was a symbolic image that resonated with many, it was the wanton destruction of homes, business, and neighborhoods that showcased just how bloody and painful Antifa’s revolution would be for the average person in the street. Antifa, of course, has no time to talk about the little people crushed under the wheels of their glorious revolution.

Even fewer members of Antifa are happy to talk about their plans for after the revolution succeeds. Some naively believe that Antifa’s goal is to create a more humane society for everybody by toppling the pyramid of power run by the elites.

In reality, Antifa’s goal is only to displace the elites, not to abolish the pyramid. Once existing power structures are toppled, Antifa and their backers will fill the vacuum, creating a new power structure with themselves at the top. What would such a society look like? For a sample, one need look no further than Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or “the CHAZ”.

On June 8th 2020, the CHAZ was established when Antifa and other far-left rioters drove the police out of the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington and took over the police station. Following this, they built a set of big beautiful walls to keep foreign invaders out and handed out guns to loyalists to “keep the peace”. The results were very predictable.

In the space of a month, the CHAZ saw five shootings, two of them fatal, alongside other violence and abusive behaviour by CHAZ’s self-appointed militia. Antifa may have told everybody that they were protesting against fascism and police brutality, but as soon as they had control of even a small amount of territory, they immediately transformed it into a violent police state with themselves in charge. Expect more of the same if they ever succeed on a wider scale.

To be completely fair, it’s possible that some Antifa members want to oppose fascism but also oppose violence…and don’t “respect the diversity of tactics”. It’s also possible that naive or ignorant people participate in Antifa without fully understanding them. Again, I can point to myself as an example. To those people, our only advice is this. Look at the examples we’ve provided, look at the people around you, and ask yourself whether you want to be associated with a brand so deeply tied to violence and authoritarianism.

Back in 2008, Anonymous was started as a legal, peaceful, and largely fun set of protests against the Cult of Scientology. It later broadened into a global movement for freedom of expression online. But following Operation AntiSec in 2011, it began to morph into something else. Soon, groups of self-proclaimed hacktivists began to indiscriminately hack and threaten targets at random. Many lied and made up stories to justify their actions.

Around that time, we in Japan made a clean break from those other groups and their movement. We declared our adherence to legal, peaceful activities. We stood for the principle that creating victims and violating the rights of individuals is never justifiable. And we dedicated ourselves to creating tools and helping people communicate, instead of attacking and destroying.

Those who want to oppose fascism without creating victims, we invite you to break from Antifa, rebrand, and join us in condemning all forms of violence and authoritarianism by all groups, left or right.

And to all our viewers in Japan, remember this. The right to protest legally and peacefully is guaranteed in the Constitution, and should always be respected. But if you ever see these symbols in the ranks of the protestors, understand that it stands for violence and authoritarianism. It exists to exploit legal protests as cover for its campaign of terror.

If you’re a member of a protest and you see Antifa symbols, speak to your organizers about expelling them. If they refuse to expel Antifa, you may want to remove yourself from the protest completely. No matter what our politics may be, authoritarianism should always be our common enemy. Whether it comes in the form of State police violence or Antifa’s revolutionary violence, we can…and should…take a stand against it.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time, MACHIUKENASAI.

Correspondence With LBRY

On May 26th, 2020, LBRY Inc. was contacted by e-mail to comment on some public statements on Twitter. They responded two days later, on May 28th. Both messages are being posted here in full. Only private information has been redacted:

Dear LBRY,

I’m a user on your platform with both an imported YouTube account and a second created account:

I recently published a video where I reviewed LBRY alongside some other sites, and generally had many positive things to say about it. I provide the following link for reference:

Following the publication of this video, however, I was contacted by some of my viewers bout a series of messages posted to your public Twitter account, namely these:

The implications I took away from these exchanges have made me adjust my opinion of LBRY somewhat, and I will be making a followup video to express that fact. I would like to include a comment from you, if you choose to give one. I want to assure you, I’ve gone through this thread in detail, so I’m aware of the accusations that have been made, and your responses to them. I’m also aware of LBRY’s architecture and the safeguards that exist with regard to censorship. My questions are not related to these points.

My concerns are more related to the fact that LBRY Inc seems to be, albeit obliquely, accusing Bit Chute Ltd (the operator of the Bitchute platform) of having a tacitly antisemitic editorial position with regard to their platform’s content. It’s worth pointing out that Bitchute is a direct competitor to LBRY in the alternative video hosting space, and as such LBRY Inc would stand to benefit if Bitchute was censured or otherwise restricted from doing business over allegations of this nature. Was it the intention of LBRY Inc or any of its staff to accuse Bit Chute Ltd of tacit endorsement of, or support for antisemitism when it commented “If your problem with YouTube is that it’s too “Zionist”, please, stay on @bitchute”? If not, could your clarify your statement?

Further to that, you commented that “Bitchute seems to go out of it’s way to court stuff like this (found on the front page in under a minute)”. My understanding is that Bitchute does not employ algorithms to filter, boost, or deboost content. Videos that appear on their front page exist entirely by virtue of user activity. In light of that, does LBRY consider the existence of content on a platform itself to mean endorsement of that content by the platform?

You commented that “They court it by knowing it’s there…and not denouncing it or replying when a racist explicitly tags them as a place to go be racist” and also “Because ignoring it is how people begin to think it is okay”. This implies that LBRY believes a failure to denounce an idea is morally equivalent to support for that idea. Does this accurately reflect the position of LBRY Inc or its staff? Also, is it the position of LBRY Inc or its staff that the operators of a platform have a responsibility to maintain an editorial position regarding otherwise legal content posted to that platform?

Lastly, LBRY frequently advertises that its protocol and open source nature provides a safeguard against censorship. While it is technically true that users can share content in a peer-to-peer fashion over the LBRY protocol, this is not always a stable or viable solution at scale given internet speeds and cost in some areas. At present, seems to be the only large scale app offering hosting on the LBRY network. In the event users wish to use the LBRY protocol but do not wish to use and are also unwilling or unable to host content themselves, are you aware of any other independent third-party instances of LBRY services that offer content hosting to the public?

In the event that I do not not hear back from you before the end of this week (Friday the 29th of May), I will be produce the video without any comment from LBRY. I hope I can hear back from you before then.

Thank you for your time,



Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough message. I would ask that if you choose to include portions of this response, you make the full response available to your audience as well (not necessarily in the video itself). We all know how the media can be :p

LBRY is making no accusation that Bitchute itself is intentionally antisemitic. We did not intend to harm Bitchute when we posted that message. We were responding to another user that had introduced Bitchute into the conversation. We do believe there is a contingent of virulently antisemitic posters on Bitchute (not “Israel is bad”, but “Jews aren’t people”). It is our company’s preference that those users stay on Bitchute rather than come to LBRY. But this is an expression of a preference, not a threat of action.

Any implication that Bitchute actively courts antisemitic content is a mistake and withdrawn. Whether it’s fair to say Bitchute benefits from antisemitism and whether this should be considered as tacitly endorsing it is, in my personal opinion, debatable. But we do not intend to discuss further publicly.

LBRY does not believe it or anyone is obligated to comment on anything. We also do not believe anyone is obligated to not comment on anything. Ultimately, we believe you should judge LBRY based on whether or not we actually interfere with legal content itself. We have always promised we will never do that, and have never given any indication to the contrary. In fact, I would argue that the company that says, “we dislike this content, but are hosting it anyway”, is more trustworthy than the company that claims to support free speech but is never challenged on something it disagrees with.

The LBRY desktop app does allow peer-to-peer access to everyone, even if in poor bandwidth areas it requires downloading. LBRY is better than Bitchute in openness and censorship in every way. We are continuing to work on the protocol day in and day out to make it better for everyone. Anyone who questions our commitment to that simply isn’t paying attention.

アノニマスの見解 Ep 18.5:香川ゲーム条例アップデート

Hello everybody. It’s rare for us to do a follow-up on a previous Anonymous no Kenkai, but in the time since we released our last video on the Kagawa Game Ordinance, some very interesting news has come out that needs to be shared. If you haven’t watched Episode 18 yet, you might want to pause this video and go watch that for the background information to understand what’s going on. But otherwise, let’s begin.

First, on April 16th, the Kagawa Prefectural Government website published an incident report about the loss of a shared computer in their offices. According to the incident report, a staff member reported the computer as missing after checking the equipment on March 17th. Although they searched for it and interviewed staff, they were unable to find it. The cause of the loss was listed as poor management, and the office decided to store shared computers in a locked cabinet in future. Why expensive equipment wasn’t already secured this way remains an unsolved mystery.

This incident doesn’t seem related or particularly important at first glance, but please remember that Kagawa’s Game Ordinance was approved on March 18th…one day after this computer went missing. This will be important later in the story.

Second, on April 13th, local news network “KSB” published a report based on a Freedom of Information request into the Game Ordinance’s Public Comment period. What they found was that of the 2269 supporting comments, many of them were exactly the same, right down to the use of spaces and line breaks. Most were simply one-line answers such as “I agree” or “I agree with the expectation of a bright future with the passage of the ordinance”. The bulk of these identical comments arrived within minutes of each other, one after the other.

The Kagawa Prefectural Office redacted the personal information of commenters, of course, to protect private information. But some of the information they left unredacted led to an even more interesting discovery.

Starting at 8:47am on January 31st and continuing on until 5:25pm on February 5th, the Prefectural Office received a series of one-line public comments supporting the Ordinance through the contact form on their website. Left unredacted was the header information from each submission, including the useragent string and IP address. Dozens of these messages had identical useragents, and all of them seemed to come from the same IP address… For anybody familiar with networks, this is obviously an internal address. In other words, they couldn’t come from the outside internet. They had to come from a device connected to the same internal network as the Prefectural Office’s webserver, which should only be accessible to Prefectural Office staff.

It’s incredibly interesting that a shared computer in that same office would vanish just one day before the Prefecture voted to pass the Game Ordinance. It’s even more interesting that members of the Review Committee would urge a quick vote due to the overwhelming number of supporting comments.

But the even with the stink of corruption hanging so heavily in the air around the Kagawa Prefectural Government, there’s little that can be done now that the Ordinance has passed. It would take a legal challenge in court to stop the Ordinance at this point, ideally on constitutional grounds.

Well, good news…

Just this month, a 17-year old boy in Kagawa Prefecture known only as “Wataru” announced plans to take Kagawa Prefecture to court over the unconstitutionality of and the human rights violations within the Game Ordinance. Namely, that it violates Article 94, the right to self-determination, among a half-dozen other constitutional violations. “Wataru” has retained the services of a well-known lawyer, and plans to crowdfund his legal fees. We’ll provide more information about the crowdfunding campaign as it becomes available.

We hope everybody viewing this can support Wataru’s case, either through crowdfunding or just by spreading the word. The Kagawa Game Ordinance needs to be struck down, and an opportunity like this for the Gamers of Japan, and the world, to Rise Up may never come again. Everybody, let’s make the most of it.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.18:香川県の静止する日

Hello everybody, and welcome back to Anonymous no Kenkai.

Sadly, 2020 has turned out to be a more difficult year than anybody expected. We hope all of you are safe and taking care of yourselves out there.

The Coronavirus has been dominating the headlines for weeks, and while it’s certainly newsworthy, it’s also made it easy for several other stories to get lost in the shuffle, one of which we’d like to address today.

In late 2019, the Kagawa Prefectural government proposed creating a bylaw which would set legal limits on the amount of time minors could spend playing video games. Under this proposal, children under 18 would be allowed to use their smartphones and play games for only one hour per day on weekdays, and 90 minutes on weekends. Additionally, Junior High School students will be forbidden from using their smartphones or playing games after 9pm, while High School students will have a curfew of 10pm.

We mentioned this briefly in our last video, and unfortunately in the time since then, the proposal has become law. On March 18th, the Kagawa Prefectural Assembly approved the proposal with a majority vote, to go into effect starting April 1st. Currently, the bylaw lacks any penalties for noncompliance, instead requesting that parents enforce it voluntarily.

Of course, the global COVID-19 outbreak drowned out most news on the topic, but there was still a strong reaction online in Japan, and to a lesser degree in the media. While there were numerous criticisms of the bylaw itself, more worrying were a series of suspicious irregularities surrounding the bylaw’s review committee and public comment period.

Firstly, the review committee drafting the bylaw apparently didn’t keep any record of the minutes of their meetings… an unusual oversight, given this is stardard practice for almost any governmental committee.

Secondly, during the public comment period, an unusually high number of comments came in; 2615 in total.

And in addition to being unusually high, a disproportionate number of the comments supported the bill… 2269 in total, over 85%. Only 334 comments opposed the bylaw. In contrast, among the 71 comments solicited from businesses inside and outside Kagawa Prefecture, 67 were opposed, with zero comments in support. Put together, all of these numbers cast doubts on the entire public comment process.

It didn’t take long for those doubts to feel justified. Reports surfaced online that a member of Kanagawa’s Kannonji City municipal government, an associate of the Review Committee Chairman and supporter of the bylaw, handed out forms to his friends and colleagues, asking them to check “support” or “oppose” boxes before filling out their opinions. The Representative reportedly collected these papers and delivered them to the Prefectural government himself. The entire process not only unfairly narrowed the matter down to a simple yes/no vote, it also implied pressure to agree with the City Representative handing out the paper. In fact, one paper showed signs of an “oppose” vote being crossed out and changed to “support”.

Even more concerning was a letter received by the digital news outlet Netorabo, published on their Twitter account. In the letter, an employee from a company in Kagawa Prefecture claimed their boss asked to use the names of employees to send pre-written public comments in support of the bylaw. The authenticity of the letter remains unconfirmed, but if true it would explain the unusually high number of comments received.

Considering all of the above information, it certainly seems as though some people in Kagawa Prefecture were very eager to have this bylaw passed by any means necessary. But the question remains, why? What is it about video games that has Kagawa Prefecture’s politicians so worried?

The answer to that question comes with a name… Susumu Higuchi, Director of the government-run Kurihama Addiction Center. Doctor Higuchi’s main area of research is treating alcoholism, but he’s branched out so-called “gaming addiction” as well. Higuchi is a frequent collaborator with the World Health Organization, and was one of the voices supporting their decision in May 2019 to add “gaming disorder” to their International Classification of Diseases. Doctor Higuchi’s opinions on this so-called “gaming disorder” come up frequently among supporters of Kagawa’s bylaw, and it’s fair to say that his research is the foundation upon which it was built.

Interestingly, the WHO’s connection to this matter has some sinister implications, given how blatantly supportive of China they’ve been lately. As we noted in our last video, Kagawa’s bylaw is almost a carbon copy of a similar law passed in China last year. Seeing China, the WHO, and the Kagawa Prefectural government walk in lockstep in this matter is worrying, even if there’s not necessarily reason to believe they’re overtly coordinating at this time. But even putting the WHO and China aside, there’s more than enough to criticize in Kagawa’s bylaw itself.

For one, there isn’t broad agreement in the medical community that “gaming disorder” is even real, and the research on it is far from conclusive. In 2019, critics of the decision to add “gaming disorder” to the ICD cited fears that doing so would only spark a moral panic. If we look to Kagawa as an example, that criticism seems very valid.

But beyond that, the bylaw represents an unwelcome intrusion by government into the private lives of citizens. Does the Kagawa Prefectural government believe parents aren’t capable of making their own decisions without government instruction? If the bylaw has no penalties, and parents are expected to enforce it voluntarily, why should the bylaw even exist? Why should legal activities have arbitrary time limits set by the government?

Will penalties be added to the bylaw in the future? This could create an opening for even more authoritarian government overreach into the private lives of citizens. And with Kagawa setting this precedent, other Prefectures may find it easier to create similar laws of their own.

Will software or hardware makers be asked to modify games or smartphones to comply with the bylaw? The ability to track users by age and usage time would create more opportunities to expand the surveillance state.

Lastly, why is this bylaw so narrowly focused on games and smartphones? If children watch TV or read comics, is this more acceptable than doing the exact same activity on a phone? If so, why?

It is interesting to note how this law only seems to target new and alternative media…favoring established legacy businesses like TV stations and book publishers over their online rivals. In an era where young people in Japan are favoring YouTubers over TV stars, and independent creators over corporate mouthpieces, is this bylaw an attempt to prop up legacy media companies?

The fact is, no matter what motivations are behind this bylaw, it’s a worryingly authoritarian encroachment on the freedom of Kagawa’s citizens. The government has no business mandating how parents are meant to raise their children, and they have no right to place arbitrary limits on otherwise legal activities. This bylaw needs to be challenged in court and overturned as soon as possible, before it becomes the new normal.

If you’re a resident of Japan, in or out of Kagawa, the best thing you can do is talk about this problem with as many people as possible. If you’re outside Japan, spreading awareness of Kagawa’s draconian new bylaw with others can still help. There are many out there who don’t know about this, or if they do, they don’t fully understand just how authoritarian the Kagawa Prefectural government is being. It may not be the most important thing in the world compared to the Coronavirus, but it still deserves to be talked about. And if ever there was a time for Gamers to Rise Up, it would be now.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI… and until next time, MACHIUKENASAI.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.17:資本主義ふりをする中国

Hello everybody, and welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI

It’s been far too long since our last episode, but there’s been no shortage of projects to keep us busy, and my English-language Bitchute series, “No One Cares” has been eating up a lot of my time as well. But a topic has finally emerged that needs our attention, because today we’re going to talk about China. More specifically the Communist Party of China, and their foreign policy.
お久しぶりです。前回の動画から随分と長い間が経ってしまいました。プロジェクトが山のようにあるおかげで、いつも忙しくなってしまいます; 特に、英語のBitchuteシリーズ「No One Cares」には多くの時間費やしてしまいました。とはいえ、ついに我々の注目に値する新たなトピックが現れました…「中国」です。具体的に申しますと、「中国共産党」、そして彼らの「外交政策」についてです。

China made headlines several times throughout 2019, for a variety of reasons. Their Social Credit system has earned our attention in previous videos, and earned revulsion and horror from people the world over. China’s behaviour in response to protests in Hong Kong has also earned the world’s attention and criticism, even if more in the independent media than the mainstream.

But it was actions regarding their financial stake in foreign businesses that made the most waves. In October of 2019, two major incidents caught the public’s attention. First, the Chinese government demanded an apology from the NBA when General Manager Daryl Morey of the Houston Rockets tweeted in support of Hong Kong protestors, causing China to cut off broadcast of their games as punishment. Almost within the same week, Activision Blizzard punished E-Sports player Blitzchung after he spoke in support of Hong Kong independence during a Hearthstone tournament livestream.
しかしながら、先程述べた問題よりも中国における対外投資の方が、実際のところ最も注目を引きました。2019年10月に、2つの事件が世間の注目を集めました。ヒューストン・ロケッツのダリル・モーリー・ゼネラルマネジャーが香港デモを応援するようなツイートを投稿しました原因で、中国政府は米NBAに謝罪を要求しました、そして罰としてNBAゲームの放送を停止しました。その週の後になって、ハースストーンの世界大会に、eスポーツプレイヤーBlitzchungは同じく香港デモを支持する声明のせいで、米ゲーム大手のBlizzard Entertainmentからペナルティを受けました。

In both cases, Chinese investment in a foreign company was used as leverage to pressure them into censorship in line with Chinese policy. In essence, China exported its censorship to other countries through its foreign business ties. The phenomenon became public enough that it garnered a response from President Trump, and even an episode of South Park.

Of course, this is hardly new. It’s already common knowledge that Hollywood has been designing its movies to maximize marketability in China for several years. Google briefly planned to design a censored search engine for the Chinese market, before (at least ostensibly) abandoning the plan in 2018 due to internal protests.

But even considering that, the recent growth of Chinese foreign investment (particularly in the video game industry) has been notable. As of late 2019, the Chinese entertainment giant Tencent has acquired stakes in over a dozen different gaming companies ranging from 5 to 100%, including well known names like Riot, Epic, Ubisoft, Activision, and Discord. Early 2020 even saw Japan’s Platinum Games accept a capital investment from Tencent as the basis of a partnership. While Platinum’s CEO assured fans that the partnership had no effect on the independence of the company, the news nonetheless raised some eyebrows.

And with good reason. Chinese investment in the gaming sphere has come with several strings attached in the past. Tencent’s 5% stake in Ubisoft, for example, came in exchange for being a silent partner with no option to expand its voting rights. But in Novermber of 2018, Ubisoft tried to change the visual elements of its game Rainbow Six Seige globally in line with Chinese standards. This was quickly reversed after fan backlash, but regardless Tencent’s lack of voting rights in the company didn’t seem to have any effect on its ability to dictate changes.
そして、不安を感じる理由は十分にあります。これまでに、ゲーム産業における中国から条件付き投資の例は数あります。例えば、TencentがUbisoftの5%の株を取得した時、Tencentを経営における議決権の一票として数えない、従って経営方針に口出ししない「サイレント・パートナー」として投資することを条件として株主として認められました。それにもかかわらず、2018年11月にUbisoftは「レインボーシックス シージ」というゲームのビジュアルをグローバルに中国の政策にかなうように変更しようとしました。ファンからの反発のおかげで決定は撤回されましたが、Tencentはサイレント・パートナーであるにもかかわらず、それでもUbisoftの決定を左右できるに見えます。

In July of 2019, Taiwanese game maker Red Candle was forced to pull their latest game offline after the Chinese government revoked the business license of their Chinese distributor. The reason? The game featured an image of a Winnie the Pooh meme mocking President Xi Jinping.
2019年7月に、中国政府は中国国内のとある流通業者の事業免許を取り消した後、台湾のゲームスタジオRed Candleの最新ゲームの発売を完全に停止しました。その原因は、習近平国家主席を「クマのプーさん」に見立て嘲笑うといった内容のミームがゲームの中に仕込まれていたことです。

But why does any of this matter? Well, game fans certainly don’t want to see their favorite games censored by China. But even people who’ve never played a video game have reason to be worried.

In 1978, China’s economic reform was hailed as a first step in making the country more free. The theory was that economic incentives would encourage the government to allow greater liberty for all. The degree to which this has been successful is open to debate, but it all hinges on the assumption that China’s motives for participating would be just to make more money.

But what if that wasn’t the main reason? Money, after all, is just an abstraction for access to resources. Control over resources equals power. And if there’s one thing an authoritarian government wants a monopoly on, it’s power. I would argue China’s real motive for participating in the global economy was more about exerting power over others; make as much money as possible through State controlled companies, and then invest that money in foreign businesses, or attract them into the country. Afterwards, the threat of withdrawing those resources can be used to manipulate those companies into toeing the Chinese line.
とはいえ、中国の《真意》とは一体何なのでしょうか? マネー(お金)は基本的に資源へのアクセスの抽象的目安にしか過ぎません。資源の支配権こそが権力への鍵なのです。そしてまた、独裁政権は飽くなき権力の独占を渇望するものです。世界経済に参加する中国の真の動機は、「他の国にも中国内の権力を及ばせる」ことであると考えられます。国営企業を利用しできる限り利益を得て、さらに対外の企業に投資することで、中国市場に惹きつけます。そして、その時に「投資の撤退」という選択肢が、対外企業を中国政府の方針に従わせるのです。

And if we use Hollywood and the gaming industry as an example, it’s obviously working. Large companies often cite the need to access the Chinese market to ensure future growth. And for small game studios, employees speaking off the record have admitted that access to the Chinese market can be the difference between staying afloat or going under.

Some would argue that this isn’t exclusive to China… and they’d be right. Any nation with enough market power can play the same trick, and some have. And no matter who’s doing this, it’s a problem. It uses the economy as a weapon to subvert the free will and agency of individuals, and left unchecked it also undermines the sovereignty of nations. Japan is already starting to imitate Chinese Social Credit with things like Line Score and J-Score, and the recent move by Kagawa Prefecture to set legal time limits on playing video games sounds uncomfortably similar to a Chinese law passed just last year. And the last thing any country needs to do is be more like China.

So what can we do about it? There are no easy answers, of course, but there are a few things we can at least keep in mind. As individuals, we can withdraw our financial support from companies that bend the knee to China, and give our support to companies that resist. On the national level, countries should keep their sovereignty and independence in mind when crafting trade policy. The United States, for example, has been criticized for engaging in a trade war with China… but the fact is, US trade restrictions can actually help smaller nations wean themselves off dependence on the Chinese economy. Japan in particular would do well to use this opportunity to shift away from China and cooperate with other nations in the region instead.

Companies caught in this conflict have an ever harder decision to make. Money is the lifeblood of a business, and few would voluntarily choose to make less of it. But chasing short-term profit makes it easier to be manipulated into self-destructive choices by bad actors. And if the only way for a company to succeed is to play by the CPC’s rules, then perhaps the only winning move is not to play at all.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI, and until next time… MACHIUKENASAI.