アノニマスの見解 Ep.16:検閲屋からAdpocalypseまで

Hello everyone, and welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI

It’s been a while since the last episode. 2019 has been an eventful year, and we’ve been busy with various projects. But at long last, it’s time to talk about something very close to home…YouTube.

It’s no secret that the platform has many problems, and the ones feeling the worst of it are the Content Creators. ContentID and malicious copyright strikes were already problems for a long time, but recently YouTube has been much more aggressive about Demonitization. Japanese viewers are almost certainly familiar with the problem…it’s so ubiquitous it’s mentioned by VTubers and non-political Japanese YouTubers alike.

Of course, in typical YouTube fashion, Demonitization is neither reasonable nor balanced. Videos are inexplicably demonetized for the smallest infractions, or sometimes no infractions at all, while certain channels can blatantly break the rules and suffer few or no consequences.

At the same time, the YouTube algorithm seems to promote large, corporate content more while burying small independent Creators. Meanwhile, the Media around the world seems to routinely demonize YouTubers, casting them in the most negative possible light at every opportunity.

But is all of this unrelated, isolated cases? Or could there be a common thread connecting these problems, and if so, what is it? This is a puzzle with many pieces, and before we can put them together, we first need to study them individually.

A lot of what we want to talk about here won’t be new for our English-speaking audience. This topic has actually been covered extensively by a variety of English language channels. But it isn’t covered so extensively in Japan, or at least not that I’ve seen, so it’s important to provide this information for local viewers.

When talking about the YouTube situation, we need to understand five different groups; YouTube itself, Content Creators, Corporate Advertisers, The Media, and the NGO/Activists (or “the Censors” as we’ve referred to them in a previous video). All of these actors have their own goals, but as we’ll see, many end up pushing in the same direction.

First, YouTube and the Content Creators. Many people think YouTube’s main purpose is to operate a video platform, but they’d be wrong. YouTube’s main purpose is to sell advertising space. The Creators are only useful to YouTube by giving them free content to advertise on, and attracting an audience to advertise to. This was more or less confirmed by a Washington Post report, where a former YouTube moderator claimed “our responsibility was never to the creators or to the users, it was to the advertisers”. Certainly, Content Creators can earn a small percentage through the Partner Program (unless they get demonetized), but in general the Creators are volunteer labor for YouTube’s bottom line.



Second, the Advertisers. Their goals are simple…they want to sell their products. YouTube provides them with a big audience of potential customers, but there’s one problem…not all of this content is “family friendly”. Having their ads appear next to controversial content creates the risk of bad press, which damages their brand. So they want to maximize their advertising benefit while minimizing their risk.

Next, the Media. Whether print, broadcast, or digital media, they’re the dying remnants of an old era. Based on an informal survey, both online and off, Japanese people below a certain age seem far more likely to get their entertainment from YouTube than anywhere else, and I imagine that pattern will hold globally. While the Media does often USE YouTube, they don’t generally make content FOR YouTube, which makes it difficult for them to compete directly with Content Creators. Media companies have huge budgets, hundreds of staff, and expensive equipment…but in many cases, they’re outperformed by individuals with nothing more than free software and a webcamera. Independent Creators are also usually better at making a closer, more authentic personal connection with their audience, something that old-guard Media companies can’t easily do.

Finally, the Censors…working through NGOs and activist groups. As discussed in ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI 13, these are people fixated on identity politics who want to force their worldview on others against their will, and for all opposing viewpoints to be silenced. They have connections inside YouTube and the Media, and exploit both to deplatform opponents and critics alike.

So how do all these pieces fit together? What’s the chain of events that led us to the present situation?

First, it starts with the Censors. For whatever reason, they decide a target needs to be deplatformed. This target could be an individual, or a group, but the tactics are the same. Using their contacts in the Media and NGOs, the Censors carry out a smear campaign of their target.

One famous example is Pewdiepie. Just one naughty word during a stream was enough for him to become the target of every major newspaper, branding him a neo-Nazi or worse. Another example is the so-called “Alternative Influencer Network”, or AIN. The AIN is a network of YouTubers outlined in a report by Rebecca Lewis, member of a left-leaning NGO called “Data & Society”. The report suggests that the “far right” uses this network of alternative media and opinion YouTubers to spread propaganda and radicalize people online.
有名な例は人気ユーチューバー「Pewdiepie」です。彼がゲーム実況ストリームの中の単なる1つの下品な発言のせいで、主要新聞に「ネオナチス」や「レイシスト」というレッテルを貼られました。他の例はいわゆる「オルターナティブ・インフルエンサー・ネットワーク」(別名:AIN)。AINは左翼系NGO「Data & Society」の会員「Rebecca Lewis」が作った報告書に述べられている政治的ユーチューバーのネットワークです。Lewisの報告によれば、このネットワークは人々を右翼系団体に採用するため、そして極右思想の宣伝するために使われていると思われます。

Naturally, the AIN report is plagued with bad data and massive leaps in logic. It made connections between YouTubers that didn’t make sense, and grouped all opposition to progressive talking points as “far right” for the purpose of problematizing it. The report was carefully analyzed and debunked by Software Engineer Mark Ledwich in a Medium post in late 2018, but by that point the damage had already been done, and arguably the AIN had fulfilled its purpose.
当然、AIN報告書は誤ったデータや論理の飛躍だらけです。Lewisは関係の全くないユーチューバーを無理やりにお互いに結び付けて、問題にするために広範囲の異なった批判の意見を「極右過激派」という誤ったラベルを貼りました。AIN報告書はソフトウェア・エンジニア「Mark Ledwich」のMediumブログで徹底的に分析され、暴露されました。とはいえ、その頃には、被害は既に与えられてしまっており、AINの本当の目標は達成されました。

While these sorts of tactics are seen less often in Japan, they do exist…Huffington Post Japan posted an article in early August talking about the “Intellectual Dark Web”, an almost identical smear campaign against academics who dared to disagree with liberal orthodoxy. HuffPo Japan ridiculously claims the members of this “Dark Web” are a “Dark Renaissance” that stands in opposition to human rights and democracy…claims that are as laughable as they are false.

Censors in the Media and NGOs push these smear campaigns, but the Media in general has every reason to help them. To mainstream Media, popular YouTubers are their competitors on this new platform. As such, every YouTuber that gets shut down decreases the market share of that competition. Business is war, after all.

Once the Censors and the Media have pushed their smear campaign far enough, eventually the Advertisers take notice (or are made to notice). Wanting to minimize the risk of brand damage, the Advertisers threaten to pull funding from YouTube if their ads appear next to all the “far right” content they’re hearing about in the news. Whether these reports are true or not, whether they’re fair or not is unimportant. The only thing that matters to them is brand image.

As major brands are a big source of income for YouTube’s advertising market, the site is quick to respond to their complaints. The rules suddenly become stricter, and channels find themselves mass demonitized for reasons that are hard to understand. This is what’s called an “Ad-pocalypse”…a name that should be familiar to English YouTubers, but may not be so familiar to Japanese audiences. An article on the site “Nuts & Freaks” is perhaps the best Japanese-language write up of the subject, and I encourage all viewers to read it to better understand this phenomenon.

While it sounds like YouTube is a victim in all of this, the fact is YouTube also has an interest in helping this process along…and not just because of the Censors within their own ranks. With thousands upon thousands of videos uploaded to YouTube daily, the supply of advertising space on the site is huge, which keeps the market value of advertising low. Reducing the supply of available advertising space means driving the market price of that advertising up…something YouTube would definitely be interested in.

Similarly, smaller independent YouTubers are harder to control and more likely to do or say something controversial, which upsets Advertisers. But big corporate channels don’t have that problem. And so the YouTube algorithm favors big corporate “family friendly” content while shutting out the smaller Creators, in order to keep the Advertisers happy.

In fact, YouTube may be going a step further in their desire to control their platform…by propping up YouTubers of their own creation. A YouTuber by the name of Jennelle Eliana has recently become wildly and inexplicably popular, getting thousands of views, likes, and followers seemingly out of nowhere. Many YouTube users have reported finding themselves automatically subscribed to Jennelle Eliana without having done so themselves.
実は、YouTubeは自身のプラットフォームをより直接的に管理するためにさらに一歩進めているのかもしれません・・・、Youtube運営側が自ら創ったユーチューバーを支援することによって・・・。というのも、最近「Janelle Eliana」という名前のアメリカ人ユーチューバーが、驚くほど早く人気になっています。短期時間にもかかわらず、異様に多くの視聴数や「いいね」、そして登録者数まで上がっています。多くのYouTubeユーザーがアカウントは何の確認・承諾なしに、自動的にJanelle Elianaのチャンネルと登録されたと述べました。

There’s too much to go into here and now, but in a nutshell it appears that YouTube is artificially generating Jennelle Eliana’s popularity…and given that YouTube is one big black box system, it’s certainly possible. But if it’s true, it would finally give YouTube total control over the ad space on their platform. And it would finally complete the transformation of YouTube from an open platform for the average everyman…into Cable Television 2.0.
話が長く成るので、今回は詳しい説明を割愛させてもらいますが、手短に言えばJenelle Elianaの人気は人工的に生じさせられている可能性が十二分にあります。YouTubeのアルゴリズムはブラックボックス・システムなので、視聴者の反応データを簡単に改ざんできます。でも、もしこれが本当の話であれば、YouTube上の広告スペースの完全な支配の最終段階の到達を意味します。そして、ようやくYouTubeの変化は完了されます。民主的ユーザー生成コンテンツのプラットフォームから、単なるケーブルテレビの第二世代に変化されるでしょう。

At the end of the story, once all the dominos have fallen, everybody has gained something. The Censors deplatform their targets. The Media weakens their competition. The Advertisers protect their brands. And YouTube drives the price of ad space up while reducing the risk of rogue users. The only party who loses in this scenario is you…the users and the Content Creators.

Of course, there will always be cases of demonetization that aren’t based on smear campaigns from the censors. Some Content Creators will take things too far on their own, and YouTube or Advertisers will respond on their own. But at the same time, the cycle of activist smears leading to Adpocalypse has happened too often to ignore.

So what do we do? In truth, the source of this problem is simple…YouTube’s near total monopoly over the video hosting space online. A monopoly that’s only made possible by the deep pockets of Google, or rather Alphabet Inc. And by the daily use and attention of us, the users and Content Creators.

The most painfully accurate thing said to me about YouTube was this: “the worst thing Google ever did is convince us that hosting video online was free”. At great expense, Google has provided us free space to host our videos, free services, and even free money in the form of the YouTube Partner Program. In exchange, they set our standards so high that no other company on Earth can possibly satisfy them.

Any competitor to YouTube will be unable to afford the same quality of service. So unfortunately, if we want to weaken Google’s grip on power we need to learn to settle for less.

PeerTube, a decentralized alternative we’ve promoted, does not offer advertising space or monetization for users. Individual instances need to pay for hardware or hosting, and for domain registration.

But what PeerTube does offer is true creative freedom and autonomy. No advertisers can complain about you, no YouTube staff can delete your channel. You and you alone control your experience online. That’s a price worth paying.

If you’re a Content Creator on YouTube, consider learning how to set up a PeerTube instance, or else creating an account on one that exists. If you’re a user, make the effort to seek your favorite Creators on alternative platforms, or encourage them to expand to those platforms if they haven’t already. For those who move to decentralized alternative networks, make the effort to support them financially if you can.

It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But if real change is ever going to happen at all, it needs to start with you and me from the bottom up.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI, and until next time…MACHIUKENASAI.

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