
(1) 2018/08電気通信事業法及び国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構法の一部を改正する法律(平成30年法律第24号)の施行に伴う省令の制定について(NICT法の一部改正に伴う識別符号の基準及び実施計画に関する規定整備関係)

(2) 2018/09/26国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構の中長期計画の変更案に対するサイバーセキュリティ戦略本部の意見(案)

(3) 2018/11/01国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構法附則第八条第四項第一号に規定する総務省令で定める基準及び第九条に規定する業務の実施に関する計画に関する省令案に係る意見募集の結果新旧対照表

(4) 2019/01/25国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構法(平成11年法律第162号)附則第8条第2項に規定する業務の実施に関する計画の認可申請の概要

(5) 2019/02/01IoT機器調査及び利用者への注意喚起の取組「NOTICE」の実施

(6) 2019/02/14IoT機器調査及び利用者への注意喚起の取組「NOTICE」で使用するIPアドレスについて
(7) 2019/06/28IoT機器調査及び注意喚起の実施状況について



ポートスキャンを仕掛けているのは、ポート番号で21(FTP)、22(SSH)、23(TELNET)、80(HTTP)、443(HTTPS)、その他では 8000、8080 です。単発ではなく、短時間に集中的&連続的にスキャンしているようです。

Let’s imagine a scenario together. Imagine a world where, in a crowded urban metropolis, nobody locked their doors. As a result, burglaries are skyrocketing. This problem could easily be solved by everybody just locking their doors, but for some reason they don’t.

Why not? Maybe they’re too lazy, maybe they’re stupid, or maybe their just don’t believe they’ll be targeted. Whatever the reason, the problem isn’t getting better.

The police, of course, are overwhelmed. They put out notices asking people to lock their doors, but it doesn’t have much impact. So finally, they come up with a more extreme plan.

The police hire people to go door to door in every neighborhood, testing each door to see if it’s locked. If they find an unlocked door, they enter the house and leave a warning note. They then write down a list of all the addresses that don’t lock their door and keep it at the police station.

Naturally, this plan has one problem…entering somebody’s house without permission or a warrant is illegal. But the police solve that by having the government pass a law that makes it temporarily legal for the police to perform “specified access” to unlocked houses.

Does this sound like a terrible idea filled with potential for abuse? We agree! Unfortunately, Japan’s NICT does not.

The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology announced a plan in February of this year, called NOTICE…”National Operation Towards IoT Clean Environment”. NOTICE is a plan to improve the national level of IoT security. Unfortunately, many hundreds (if not thousands) of IoT devices are either poorly secured, or not secured at all. Many use default passwords, which makes them easy targets for malicious programs like 2016’s Mirai virus.
情報通信研究機構(NICT)が今年の2月に、「NOTICE」という計画を実行しました…”National Operation Towards IoT Clean Environment”。NOTICEは日本国内のIoTセキュリティーを高めるための計画です。残念ながら、多くのIoTデバイスにはセキュリティ上の脆弱性があり、さらにはセキュリティー対策自体が全く施されていないデバイスすら存在します。多くのデバイスはパスワードがデフォルトのまま設定されており、ウィルスにとっていいカモになっています(例えば2016年のMiraiウィルス)。

The NICT wants to encourage better security practices, which is good. Unfortunately their method of doing this is very bad. Under NOTICE, the NICT plans to run brute-force dictionary attacks on all IoT devices in Japan, testing default passwords to try and access them. If the attack is successful, they will notify the owners and advise them to change their password. It’s also likely they’ll be keeping records of which devices were successfully accessed.

Of course, this plan had one problem…the type of brute-force attack the NICT wants to use under NOTICE is considered unauthorized access, and is illegal under Japanese law. Which is why, in 2018, the Japanese government created amendmends to the Telecommunications Business Law and the National Research and Development Institute of Information and Communications Technology Law. These amendments stipulated a class of “specified access” as an exception to unauthorized access, essentially making it temporarily legal for the NICT to perform unauthorized access to private networks.

There are thankfully some limits on the NICT’s new “specified access” powers…for now. Legal targets are limited to those that meet the criteria set forth by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The NICT’s brute force attacks will employ only passwords less than 8 characters, those used in past cyber attacks, and those using only identical or consecutive characters. Sadly, these limitations are of little comfort. More on that later.



While the goal of improving Japan’s network security is commendable, the NICT’s plan under NOTICE may have a number of unintended consequences.

Firstly, legalizing government hacking of private networks opens to door to abuse by other branches of government. We already know that CIRO and the Japanese Directorate for Signals Intelligence are monitoring the Japanese internet, and cooperating closely with America’s NSA. There’s potential that they might be tempted to deputize the NICT to perform “specified access” to a private network on their behalf, protected by the legal shield created by the 2018 amendments.

The ability of the NICT to successfully contact the owners of private network to warn them is also an issue, as is the likelihood that those owners might not notice (or might ignore) this contact. As a result, the NICT will end up maintaining a list of unsecure IoT devices in Japan…a list that will itself become a target for hackers, who will have faster and easier access to victims. In this way, the NICT might make Japanese networks less secure rather than more.

Finally, the limits on the “Specified Access” exemption is no guarantee of limited powers. The Japanese government has a long history of creating “temporary” or “limited” powers, and then expanding or extending them after the fact when they find a reason to do so. As far as the Japanese government is concerned, a promise and 100 yen couldn’t buy a can of coffee.

To be clear, the goal of improving IoT security is a good one, and we certainly encourage all users of IoT devices to stop using default passwords. One visit to Insecam-dot-org and you’ll see why it’s dangerous to leave network devices unsecured. But the plan under NOTICE is not a good solution, and will very likely create more problems than it solves.

So what can we do about it? Well, one thing network operators can do is block the NICT from accessing their networks entirely. In fact, the NICT has helpfully provided a list of the IP addresses they’re using under NOTICE, and which ports they intend to scan. If they find some or most of their “specified access” attempts being blocked outright, that might send a message to the NICT about the popularity of NOTICE.

A list of these IP addresses, as well as a timeline of information about NOTICE, are provided above. Please feel free to use this information as you see fit.

And for the love of God, please change the passwords on your IoT shit.