アノニマスの見解 Ep.14:国連ロリ権利高等弁務官事務所

Well…here we go again…

In the last ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI video, we talked about how the Censors try to impose their views on others by force. Back then it was through corporate power via Sony, but this threat has another vector…government power. But before we get into that, I’d like us all to do a thought experiment together. Are you ready? Let’s go:

Hey, have you guys ever seen those fucking SAW movies? There’s like eight of them, and they’re all about people being kidnapped and tortured. It’s basically snuff porn. Seriously, it’s some sick fucking shit. People who enjoy watching this are almost certainly dangerous people, and probably future psycho killers.

Listen guys, I think we can all agree that..ah..”such depictions contribute to normalizing the glorification of torture and fuels the demand of snuff material”. So even though kidnapping, torture, and murder are all already illegal, we ought to ALSO make it illegal for anybody to have “any representation of abduction, torture, or murder, regardless of the means used” including “visual material such as drawings and cartoons; audio representations; any digital media representation; live performances; written materials in print or online; and physical objects such as sculptures, toys, or ornaments”.

Obviously, this would mean outlawing an impossible number of creative works. But these things glorify crimes, so nobody should ever want to see that anyway. And if they do, they’re probably sick fucks and don’t need rights or protections anyway.

If that sounded incredibly stupid to you, then welcome to being sane. Unfortunately, it’s a very small club. And getting smaller every day…

In February of 2019, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a draft guideline of the “Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which according to their website exists to prevent human trafficking, child prostitution, child pornography, and underage exploitation. Sounds good, right? Who doesn’t like protecting children?

In typical fashion for these types of authoritarian censors, however, the OHCHR is using a good thing everybody supports as leverage to force in a bad thing that helps nobody. In this case, the poison pill is page 14, section 56, where they define “child pornography” as anything and everything that virtually depicts sexually explicit images of non-existing children.

Why? Apparently because the OHCHR thinks loli/ero art is a gateway drug to real life child abuse. Obviously everybody is countering that idea with the argument for free expression, and its an important argument that needs to be made. But I’d like to examine our earlier thought experiment in more detail to take an entirely different approach.

Part of the reason for choosing the SAW movies, and the example of kidnapping and torture for the thought experiment, was because of the difference in peoples’ reactions. Obviously most people have a much stronger emotional reaction to the idea of children being hurt, and arguably with good reason…it’s just a normal human reaction. So when the idea of virtual child abuse is brought up, it usually causes a similar knee-jerk emotional reaction. But the same doesn’t usually happen with depictions of violence in general, even sadistic violence like the kind you’d see in SAW. Most people would agree in the abstract that torture is bad, but the reaction is almost never as visceral. If you tried to ban all SAW movies for glorifying torture, I imagine you’d have a hard time getting as many people on board with the idea.

This is because the reaction is, fundamentally, an emotional one. And while our emotional reactions have their places, they cannot and should never be the basis for the creation of law. For laws to function well, they need to be logical principles that can be applied equally and fairly to all situations.

Once we strip away the emotional language of this Optional Protocol, what are we left with? “Virtual depictions of illegal acts that harm non-existing people must be illegal, on par with the real-life acts they depict”. If we apply this principle equally to all situations, we would end up with absurd results. Practically speaking, almost every work of fiction from any time period would be illegal by this standard. If this principle is meant to apply in the case of child exploitation, why not kidnapping? Why not murder, or torture? If the law isn’t going to be fairly applied across the board, should it even exist?
感情的になった言葉をはぎ取れば、選択議定書の原則はこれです:「架空の存在しない犠牲者が生じる犯罪行為の描写は、実際の犯罪と同じ基準で犯罪と見なさなければならない」 この原則を全ての状況に平等に当てはまれば、ばかげた結果が生じます。事実上、人類の歴史の中で作られた創作物は犯罪になるでしょう。この原則はバーチャル児童虐待の場合に適用するなら、何故バーチャル誘拐の場合に適用しないのでしょうか?また、バーチャル殺人やバーチャル拷問の場合は?全ての状況に平等に当てはまることができなければ、この法は本当に存在するべきなのでしょうか?

Supporters of the Optional Protocol might argue, as the OHCHR does, that virtual depictions of crimes would normalize them, and fuel demand for real crimes. My only response to this is…prove it. I don’t believe that this is true, and if the OHCHR isn’t offering any evidence to back that up I’m going to accuse them of begging the question. On the contrary, I’m going to argue that the majority of people are perfectly capable of understanding the difference between fantasy and reality. Our media and popular culture is saturated with fictional acts that would be illegal in real life, but media spotlight fallacy aside, people are not rushing out to commit these same crimes in massive numbers.

In spite of this, the Optional Protocol urges countries to enact laws that would criminalize otherwise legal activities that produce no victims. Where these laws might run against legitimate creative freedoms, the Protocol “deems it necessary to consider the context in which it being used”…an open invitation for the creation of censorship boards, further centralizing more power in fewer hands.

The sad thing is, this isn’t even the first time the UN has tried shit like this. Back in 2016, another UN Committee tried to ban the sale of manga or anime depicting sexual violence against women. This attempt was denounced by Kumiko Yamada of the Japanese Women’s Institute Of Contemporary Media Culture, and the most salient point she makes could just as easily apply to this current round of attempted censorship:

“…when it comes to manga that depicts sexual violence a certain segment of people are going to find it unpleasant. Nevertheless, to ban expression and commerce unilaterally based on feelings of whether or not something is unpleasant, or viewpoints on what should be moral, is a practice not to be condoned. The basis for feelings about what is or is not repulsive, and moral viewpoints, will differ based on the individual or their region and that culture’s segmented local society…Therefore it stands to reason to suddenly use one local society’s standards as the standards of a society as a whole would only prompt a massacre of discord in conflicting values among the people in the greater society…there might be workarounds we can implement so that a certain type of person can avoid suddenly running into “unpleasant expressions” they don’t want to see, but these should be limited to regulations in zoning and circulation only. We should not ban any manga that depicts “unpleasant expressions” under content guidelines that enforce moral standards unilaterally on society.”

We couldn’t agree more.

Of course, the real question is…what can we do about it this time? Well, fortunately the OHCHR is accepted comments from now until March 31st. Unfortunately, and very typically for these people, they refuse to accept any comments that aren’t in English, French, or Spanish. This is spite of the fact that the rules they seek to create will impact people the world over.

We decided that it was unfair to threaten the livelihood of people without giving them the opportunity to speak for themselves. So we’ve created a form letter for Japanese viewers to download, copy, and send to the OHCHR’s contact e-mail address. The OHCHR will only accept Word documents, so download our document file or copy-paste the text into a Word document of your own and attach it to an e-mail sent to this address.

If you’re an artist or a fan of manga, anime, or doujin culture in Japan, we urge as many of you as possible to participate. Without a strong reaction from the public, laws like these can easily slip through before you know it. And once they become written into law, they’re almost impossible to remove.

It’s also wise to prepare for the worst case scenario. Remember that centralization is the tool of the Censor. The decentralized privacy tools we promote are an important line of defense to preserve both creative and individual freedoms online. Don’t just wait for the government to save you, start taking action to defend your own freedom today.

And the next time somebody tries to create laws to protect the rights of fictional people, let’s remember that they may have an ulterior motive. If a law is truly needed, it should exist to protect the rights of real human beings. Any law that tries to go beyond that doesn’t exist to protect you, but to police your thoughts and beliefs. And those types of laws should always be opposed.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time…MACHIUKENASAI.

アノニマスの見解 Ep.13: 「グローバルの基準」という嘘

Hello again everyone. And welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI.

I apologize for another long delay. Our “OFFLINE” game needed a lot of time to organize, so there was less time to focus on this series. Congratulations to the winner in Tokyo, by the way. Osaka and Nagoya are still unfinished, so if you’re in the area and want to participate, please do. I’ve also been working on the “No One Cares” series over on Bitchute, which is unfortunately English-only. I wish I could translate those into Japanese, but they’re more casual videos so it’s difficult to transcribe and translate on my own. But recently, a new topic appeared that I thought needed to be addressed, so we created this video. This is a topic related to the foreign world, but it affects Japan so Japanese people need to hear about it. But first we need to start with some background.
投稿が遅れて、また頻度が低すぎて申し訳ございません。「OFFLINE」のゲーム管理に時間がかかってしまいまして、ここ最近、動画制作に集中できませんでした。そして東京の勝者の方、おめでとうございます。大阪と名古屋はまだ解決されていないので、該当地域の方は是非ご参加下さい。Bitchute独占シリーズ「No One Cares」も時間がかかるけど、残念ながらそれは英語のみです。訳すことができれば良かったのですが、台本なしの動画なので自分で翻音して訳す時間がありませんでした。しかし最近、何としてでも取り扱うべきトピックがあらわれたので、この動画を作りました。このトピックは海外に関するものですが、日本にも影響を与えるので、日本の皆さんがこれについて知っておくべきことだと判断しました。というわけで、まずはこのトピックの背から説明することにしましょう。

Starting in mid-October 2018, a number of Japanese adult game makers publishing through Sony on the Playstation 4 announced that some of their content would either be censorsed, or outright removed. On October 13th, Developer XSeed Games announced that the “Intimacy Mode” from Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal needed to be removed from the PS4 version of the game, leading to delays. Later on Octorber 15th, website “OneAngryGamer” reported that this was due a new policy by Sony Interactive Entertainment that restricted fanservice content.
始まりは10月中旬、ソニーを通してPlaystation 4向けに発売している多くの日本のアダルトゲームメーカー各社が、自社コンテンツの検閲、または徹底的な削除を発表しました。10月13日に、パブリッシャーのXSEED Gamesは「スキンシップモード」をゲームから削除するため、PS4版『閃乱カグラ Burst Re:Newal』の発売日を延期すると発表しました。10月15日に、ゲームニュースサイト「OneAngryGamer」がその削除はソニーのアダルトコンテンツに対する新しい政策によるものだと報告しました。

From there, the news got worse. In late October, it was reported that all PS4 versions of “Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart” had their fanservice scenes lazily and obviously censored not only in the Western release, but the Japanese release as well. Furyu’s “Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san” had its fanservice scenes similarly censored across all releases. In early November, it was reported that adult-oriented features in the PS4 version of “NekoPara” were being removed while Switch and PC versions remained unchanged.

It wasn’t until early December that SIE Japan president, Atsushi Morita, commented on the policy, stating that “it’s simply a matter of matching global standards. As for the freedom of expression… we have to think about what might be unpleasant for children and shield them from those things while also thinking and assessing ways to find a balance”. A particularly confusing comment, given that none of the above listed games were targeted at children, nor likely be to be bought or played by them, barring highly irresponsible parents.
12月上旬になった初めて、ソニー取締役盛田氏はその成人向けコンテンツの政策についてコメントしました:「表現規制に関してはグローバルの基準に合わせただけ。表現の自由と子供への安全とのバランスを考えると難しい問題であるとは考えている」 意味不明なコメントですね …以上のゲームは子供向けの作品ではありません。その上、子供がこのゲームを買って遊ぶ可能性は低いと思われます(無責任な両親でなければ)。

Compouding this issue is the fact that developers of Japanese games now need to submit their games for inspection and approval through SIE’s headquarters in America. In English. And not just for Western releases; all games, even Japanese language games for the Japanese market. This is a punishing move for many smaller studios, some of which will have little or no English ability. Combined with the censorship policy, this will have the effect of discouraging ecchi and ero games on the PS4 globally, creating financial stress for a lot of companies, and for no real reason.

Needless to say, most Japanese fans reacted with anger and disappointment, many asking themselves why this was happening. Some might blame the 2020 Olympics, and it’s certainly true that many Japanese businesses and politicians want to sterilize Japan’s image ahead of the event. But the reality is, Sony and Japan may have found themselves caught up in a culture war they don’t fully understand.

What many Japanese people might not know is that the Western world, particularly the English speaking internet, is in the middle of a culture war right now. There’s far too much to talk about on this topic than can be accurately summarized. Any number of good videos, blogs, and articles have been written on the subject, nearly all of them English, and there just isn’t enough time to translate them all…even though I wish I could. So for now, a very brief and incomplete summary will have to do.

One side of this war is the so-called “Social Justice Warriors” or “SJWs”, though for my purposes I’ll just call them the Censors. These are people who obsess over race, gender, sexuality, hate speech, and political correctness in all things at all times. These people have always existed, but in recent years they’ve become more aggressive and authoritarian, trying to force their vision of a better world on everybody around them whether they like it or not. Many of these people are activists or NGO workers, but a good portion also work in big tech firms and media, whether mainstream or digital.
内戦の片側に、いわゆる「SJW」すなわち「ソーシャル・ジャスティス・ウォーリアー(Social Justice Warrior)」と呼ばれる「活動家」が存在します、でも今回のトピックのために以下「検閲屋」と呼びます。この人たちは常に人種、性差、性的、ヘイトスピーチ、そして社会正義が気になって仕方ない。こういう人たちが常に存在していましたけれど、最近はいつもより攻撃的、そして権威主義的になってしまっており、よく自分の意見を他人に押し付けてしまっています。多くの「検閲屋」は活動家またはNGO関係者ですが、アメリカの大手テック企業またはマスコミ(主流もデジタルも)に対して影響力を持つ人々もいます。

The other side lacks a catchy name I like, so we can either call them the Shitposters or the Free Speech Axis. These are people who like the idea of free speech, and want the freedom to speak openly and post content online, even offensive or controversial content. Most people associate this with imageboard culture, which is at least partly accurate. To the Shitposters, hurt feelings or political correctness are not a good enough reason to censor or restrict free expression, and they’ll be happy to oppose that censorship wherever it appears.
「検閲屋」から通路を隔てて向かいの人々には心を引く名前がないですが、「クソカキコ野郎(Shitposters)」あるいは「言論自由連合(Free Speech Axis)」と呼んでもいいでしょうか、この人たちは言論の自由に賛成です。そしてネット上で自由に話し、情報を共有したい方です(攻撃的および論争の的な言論も含めて)。「ネット掲示板文化」と同じように考えられ、それは部分的に正しい。「クソカキコ野郎」によれば、傷ついた感情やポリコレは検閲や言論の統制を正当化できない。検閲システムがどこに現れても、彼らはそのシステムを転覆させようとします。

Between these two sides there is an ocean of largely indifferent, politically neutral people who don’t care about free speech or political correctness. They usually have few strong opinions, and just go with the flow, giving them very little influence in this struggle.

Unfortunately, as mentioned before, the Censors have influence in tech and media, which they use to push narratives that suit their ideology. Whether it’s pressuring YouTube and Twitter to ban certain types of content or using smear tactics to misrepresent people in the media, the Censors try to silence and marginalize people who criticize them or their ideology. Recent tactics include “Deplatforming”, where angry mobs pressure platforms into kicking a person off, whether online or off. Even worse, there’s Financial Deplatforming, where the same mobs try to cut their target off from any income. This can include getting people unjustly fired from their jobs, or getting their online ad revenue cut off. It’s also very common for them to associate their critics with the so-called “alt-right”, calling everybody a racist and a Nazi, no matter how nonsensical the accusation is in some cases.

What does this have to do with Japan? The Censors HATE Japanese games and anime, particularly fanservice games with ecchi or ero content. This isn’t just a matter of taste and different opinions to these people, either. To them, games and anime are misogynistic or sexist, and thus nobody can be allowed to enjoy them. The Free Speech Axis, on the other hand, usually likes games and anime. Even the ones who don’t, they believe in free speech enough that they wouldn’t want to censor them anyway.

When we think about all this, the changes in Sony’s policies become easier to understand. Sony Interactive Entertainment recently moved their headquarters to California, a state home to the same Silicon Valley tech giants that support Deplatforming and censorship. While Censors within SIE try to force their ideology on the business, outrage mobs, activists, and NGOs apply pressure from without. As a business, SIE will try to avoid controversy, and thus they’ll try to appease the Censors. The result? Exactly the sort of censorship we see now. Japanese developers being forced to censor their Japanese games, made for Japanese fans, according to the standards of self-appointed moral guardians in a foreign country. These are the “global standards” Atsushi Morita referred to…except they aren’t really “global” at all.
こういう情報を考えると、成人向けコンテンツに対するソニーの新しい政策に対する理解が容易くなることでしょう。SIE(Sony Interactive Entertainment)は最近、本社機能をカリフォルニア州に移転しました。検閲とdeplatformingに賛成なシリコンバレー大手テック企業と同じ州ですね。企業内の検閲屋が会社に意見を課しながら、企業外の激高した群衆、活動家、そしてNGOは圧力をかけます。企業としては、当然SIEは論争を避けようとします、つまり検閲家を鎮めようとするでしょう。その結果は?面前にある検閲政策です。日本のファンのために日本のゲームを作っている日本のゲームメーカーは海外の道徳的基準に従って自社のゲームを検閲しなければなりません。これが盛田氏が述べた「グローバルの基準」です。しかしながら、全く本当の意味での「グローバル」ではありません。

As we stated before, the majority of people are indifferent to this topic, and have no strong feelings about Japanese games, positive or negative. The Censors represent a fringe minority of opinion. But because they’re a very loud minority, with influence in tech and media, they can coerce the majority to follow their ideology. And Japanese media tends to echo the media overseas, so the same lies get copy-pasted into Japan without any critical assessment or alternative view.

The tragedy is, Japanese fanservice games and anime have a huge audience overseas. These fans don’t want anything censored, or changed from the Japanese version. They want Japanese developers to make Japanese games for Japanese audiences, then translate those games and share them with the rest of the world. Only Sony, and the Censors influencing them, are forcing these rules on everybody against their will.

So what can we do about it? First, this whole situation illustrates what we’ve said time and time again; centralization is bad. Large companies like Sony are vulnerable to pressure, and their monopoly control of their platforms mean a small group of people can enforce unpopular rules on everybody. If you are a Japanese game maker, big or small, avoid platform exclusives, ESPECIALLY on the Playstation. Some people might point out that Nintendo is being more reasonable than Sony, and this is true…for now. But Nintendo can change their policies in the future, just like Sony did.
では、私達に何ができるでしょうか? まずは、この状況は我々が繰り返し唱えたことを示します。集中制御化(centralization)は良くない。ソニーみたいな大企業は圧力に対して脆弱です。そしてプラットフォームに対する独占力のおかげで一握りの人々が恣意的なルールを施行できるようにします。大手であれ、中小であれ日本のゲームメーカーなら、特定プラットフォーム専用のゲームを作らないことをおすすめします、特にPlaystationは。任天堂はソニーよりマシだと言う人がいます、そしてそれは確かに事実です…今のところは。しかしソニーと同じく、任天堂も何時か将来ある時点で政策を転換することもないとは言い切れないでしょう。

If possible, you want to release on any many platforms as you can. But if you do have to focus on one platform, consider focusing on the PC. While Sony and Nintendo have total control over their platforms, PC games are much harder to block or censor. Supporting different operating systems is also helpful…a Japanese game maker that includes Linux support will win a lot of goodwill.

Even with PC, beware of centralized distribution platforms like Steam. Valve’s policy on adult content is notoriously inconsistent, and they’re currently in the process of banning games with high school settings and even demanding that games cut out characters that appear too young. Alternatives like GOG or Hat Rack are good, but it’s still unwise to trust any one platform. Distributing the game from your own website is the best way to avoid platform censorship, but ideally you want to put your games on as many different platforms as possible, including your own website to ensure your customers always have options.
PCで販売しても、Steamみたいな集中型配信プラットフォームには気を付けた方が良いでしょう。Valveの成人向けコンテンツ政策は一貫性のなさで有名です。現在、Valveは学校内の環境でのゲームを拒絶しているし、ゲームから若過ぎるように見えるキャラクターの削除を要求しています。GOGHat Rackみたいな代わりのプラットフォームはいいですが、実を言うと1つのプラットフォームを信用しない方が良いでしょう。自分のサイトで発売することは検閲を避けるための一番の方法ではありますが、できるだけ多くのプラットフォームで発売することをおすすめします(自分のサイトも含めて)。それによって顧客は豊富な選択肢を得ることができるでしょう。

Beware of Financial Deplatforming. The Censors have not been shy about attacking people who resist them, and if you trust payment platforms like PayPal, Patreon, or others they will come under pressure from activists. This is a more difficult problem to deal with, but the best answer is to use as many methods as possible. Use PayPal or Patreon if you must, but always have alternatives ready. While cryptocurrency isn’t a silver bullet for all your problems, it is a useful backup plan that’s difficult to censor. Accounts on BitFlyer or other exchanges are easy to make, and platforms like Bitbacker.io make it easier to crowdfund without having to worry about the Censors.

Avoid DRM and strict copyright policies. This is difficult for many Japanese studios to accept or understand, but while you might think that strictly controlling the flow of your work will protect your income, it will always have the opposite effect. It may seem counterintuitive, but if you build goodwill with your audience, they will reward you with success. Piracy is a market problem, not a criminal problem. If you make your work easy to find, easy to get, and reasonably priced, the majority will choose to support you.

Finally, and most importantly, don’t believe media or companies that badmouth your games. There are thousands of fans of your work across the globe who want to buy what you make, and it’s only a fringe minority trying to censor you. They have a loud voice because of their influence in media and tech, but they won’t support you even if you censor your games. There’s a saying in English…”Get Woke, Go Broke”…which is going to be very difficult to translate into Japanese. But basically, even if you pander to the Censors they will not buy your games. They don’t want to support you, they just want to put you out of business. So ignore them. Focus on your real fans, in all parts of the world, and remember that the Free Speech Axis always has your back.
最後、最も重要なことに、成人向けゲームの悪口を言う企業やマスコミを無視しましょう。世界中にあなたのゲームを買いたい多くのファンがいます、そしてそれを検閲しようとするのが非主流派だけです。その非主流派がテック企業やマスコミに対して不釣り合いな影響力を及ぼすけど、ゲームは検閲されても彼らは支援しません。英語ではことわざがあります…「Get Woke, Go Broke」…はっきり言ってこのフレーズは直接日本語に翻訳するのが難しいです。しかし一言で言えば、検閲屋に迎合してもユーザー達がゲームを購入してくれることはないでしょう。検閲屋は日本のゲームメーカーを支援する気はさらさらなく、倒産させたいだけなのです。だから彼らを無視すればいい。世界中にある本当のファンに集中することにしましょう。そして「言論自由連合」が最後まで応援するということを忘れないで下さい。

I’d like to give a shout out to YouTuber appabend, whose videos on this subject formed the bulk of my sources. He’s a good source of information, and you should subscribe to him if you want to hear more. His videos are in English, but any bilingual Japanese who can help subtitle his works, you’d be helping Japanese audiences a lot. Check him out.

Moving into the new year, the future of the internet is looking pretty rough. It’s going to take all of our efforts to carve out islands of free speech that can survive this wave of censorship, but if we keep our eyes open and plan ahead, together we can weather this storm.

This was アノニマスの見解, and until next time… 待ち受けなさい。