When imagining the tools of war, most people are quick to think of guns, tanks, or bombs. Very few people, however, would think of banks or economies as weapons. But the unfortunate reality is that control over banking can be an extremely effective weapon, and far easier to deploy.
In late 2010, this weapon was deployed against the whistleblowing site Wikileaks after they released diplomatic cables from the US State Department. Thanks to the simultaneous coordinated action of international banks and corporations Wikileaks was cut off from over 90 percent of their revenue overnight.
More recently, in February of this year, the Canadian government invoked emergency powers in the face of the “Freedom Convoy”, a protest by truck drivers against government vaccine mandates. One of these emergency powers was the ability the freeze the bank accounts of anybody who participated or supported the protests, without the need for a warrant. Even ordinary Canadian citizens who’d donated as little as ten or twenty dollars to the protest found themselves the target of these powers.
On an even grander scale, the removal of Russia from the SWIFT system, and the withdrawal of services like PayPal and others from the country is not only an economic weapon, but one employed indiscriminately against an entire civilian population. One that will hit the country’s poorest and least powerful citizens long before it affects the political and corporate class.
In all of these cases, the key to weaponizing finance was centralization. A powerful few hit a button, and their enemies or critics were debanked immediately. This should serve as a stark warning for anybody enjoying cashless payment systems. What can be done to Wikileaks, to Canadian truckers, or the the entire Russian economy, can just as easily be done to you.
これら全ての場合において、経済の兵器化は中央集権化により可能になりました。権力エリートがボタンを押すだけで、敵または批判的な声が一瞬で経済から除外することができます。最近のキャッシュレスブームに応援する人々に対して厳しい警告の役割を果たすべきでしょう。 今日はWikileaksやフリーダム・コンボイまたは一般ロシア国民がこの運命に遭うけど、誰にでも起きる可能性があります。
The emergence of Bitcoin and later other cryptocurrencies threatened to blunt the power of this weapon. Through Bitcoin, Wikileaks supporters were free to donate to the group, completely bypassing banks and credit card companies. The Canadian Freedom Convoy amassed over 21 BTC in donations from around the world, much of which was disbursed to truckers even after emergency powers started freezing bank accounts. And now governments around the world claim Russians will use cryptocurrency to bypass their sanctions.
Government attempts to control cryptocurrency have been slowly building steam for years. In 2019, the “Financial Action Task Force”, a globalist anti money laundering group, created the “Travel Rule”. This “travel rule” states that cryptocurrency exchanges should record and share information about the owners of cryptocurrency wallets when funds are withdrawn to them.
In March of 2021, the Japanese Financial Services Agency announced intent to adopt the FATF’s Travel Rules, coming into force in April 2022. As a result, all cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan are now requiring that users register a name and an address, either of an individual or a company, to external wallet addresses before funds can be transferred off the exchange and into a private wallet.
The true purpose of these Travel Rules, and the danger they post to free individuals, are very clear. Once a list of “approved wallets” attached to names and addresses is created and shared, it would be a simple matter to repurpose it as a White List for merchants and businesses who accept cryptocurrency payments. With the creation of more laws in the future, it would be a simple matter to criminalize any payments made to, or from, a wallet not approved by the FATF and their partners.
The FATF claims Travel Rules are required to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. But the financial punishment of Wikileaks and the Freedom Convoy, and the eagerness to use payments systems as a weapon against an enemy State, make it clear how Travel Rules will actually be used. Truly decentralized economies make it impossible to weaponize finance. Which is exactly why they’re so important.
In the past, we announced the Japanese translation of Bisq, the decentralized trading platform. Today, we’d like to announce a translated guide for one of the easier Fiat Currency to Bitcoin trading methods on Bisq; Amazon Gift Cards. Being easy to buy and send from any country to any other, they make a good starting point for new users who want to buy Bitcoin privately, without the need to comply with Travel Rules.
Naturally, Bisq still requires a Bitcoin security deposit in order to trade. So for those without any starting funds it may be necessary to use corporate exchanges once to begin with. We recommend creating a Single-Address Wallet exclusively for exchange withdrawals, then transferring any funds out of it into a new, unused address as quickly as possible to maintain some level of privacy. Once you have some cryptocurrency of your own, and no longer need a central exchange, your accounts and registered wallets can easily be abandoned.
There are other methods for Fiat-to-Bitcoin trades on Bisq, and we hope to provide more translations in the future. But for now, Amazon Gift Cards are a quick and easy way to begin trading, and we recommend as many people as possible move away from corporate exchanges as quickly as possible.
Decentralized economies are free economies. And cooperation with Travel Rules only helps governments centralize, and weaponize, what should be a permissionless system. The window of opportunity to escape the government’s surveillance economy is growing ever smaller. We recommend learning how to escape it now…while you still can.
(The following content is translated from the Bisq Project’s Wiki:)
支払取り消しの リスク | 低い |
プライバシー保護 | かなり高い |
トレード期間 | 24時間(支払いはメール送信と同じように迅速です) |
地域 | 国が以下にリストアップされています |
Amazonの手数料 | 手数料なし |
実証性 | 高い |
詐欺のリスク | 低い |
世界中のAmazonユーザ | ~3億人 |
国 | 通貨 | ウェブサイト |
オーストラリア | AUS | https://www.amazon.com.au |
カナダ | CAD | https://www.amazon.ca |
ヨーロッパ | EUR | 様々なサイト (.fr, .de, etc) |
英国 | GBP | https://www.amazon.co.uk |
インド | INR | https://www.amazon.in |
日本 | JPY | https://www.amazon.co.jp |
サウジアラビア | SAR | https://www.amazon.sa |
スエーデン | SEK | https://www.amazon.se |
シンガポール | SGD | https://www.amazon.sg |
トルコ | TRY | https://www.amazon.com.tr |
米国 | USD | https://www.amazon.com |
💡 注記:各トレードしたい各国通貨のAmazonギフト券アカウントを作って対応国からAmazonギフト券を買うことによって国際的にトレードできます。Amazonギフト券は買われたサイトのみに交換できます。 例えば、amazon.co.jpから買われたカードはamazon.co.jpのみに交換できます。
- どちらか(メールか電話)を選択するのはビットコイン売り手がギフト券を受け取る方法のみに影響します(例:メールあるいはテキストメッセージで)。
- ここで使う電話番号またはメールアドレスは必ずしもAmazonアカウントとつながる必要はありません。ビットコイン売り手がギフト券を受け取ったら、どんなAmazonアカウントで交換できます。

ステップ1. Amazonにログイン
ステップ2. ギフト券の詳細を入力する
- 金額:取引額と一致する法定通貨の金額を選択して下さい。 高額のギフト券はAmazonに不正取引と見なされる可能性があるのため、複数の1万円以下のギフト券を使う方が推奨されます。
- 配送:売り手のメールアドレスまたは電話番号
- 送り主:送り主として、Bisq内のAmazonギフト券アカウントと同じメールアドレスや電話番号を使うのが強く推奨されます。そうすると、売り手が確認して確信を持って支払いに応じることができます。
- メッセージ:空欄にしておいても大丈夫です。メッセージを入力する場合、取引者チャットでトレードピアと確認して下さい。メッセージは確認されていない場合は空欄にしておく方がいい。

ステップ3. 支払いをする
ステップ4. 売り手は通知を受ける
💡 注記:売り手は通知を受けなかった場合、買い手はAmazonで購入履歴ページから通知(メールまたはテキストメッセージ)を再送できます。