アノニマスの見解 Ep.17:資本主義ふりをする中国

Hello everybody, and welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI

It’s been far too long since our last episode, but there’s been no shortage of projects to keep us busy, and my English-language Bitchute series, “No One Cares” has been eating up a lot of my time as well. But a topic has finally emerged that needs our attention, because today we’re going to talk about China. More specifically the Communist Party of China, and their foreign policy.
お久しぶりです。前回の動画から随分と長い間が経ってしまいました。プロジェクトが山のようにあるおかげで、いつも忙しくなってしまいます; 特に、英語のBitchuteシリーズ「No One Cares」には多くの時間費やしてしまいました。とはいえ、ついに我々の注目に値する新たなトピックが現れました…「中国」です。具体的に申しますと、「中国共産党」、そして彼らの「外交政策」についてです。

China made headlines several times throughout 2019, for a variety of reasons. Their Social Credit system has earned our attention in previous videos, and earned revulsion and horror from people the world over. China’s behaviour in response to protests in Hong Kong has also earned the world’s attention and criticism, even if more in the independent media than the mainstream.

But it was actions regarding their financial stake in foreign businesses that made the most waves. In October of 2019, two major incidents caught the public’s attention. First, the Chinese government demanded an apology from the NBA when General Manager Daryl Morey of the Houston Rockets tweeted in support of Hong Kong protestors, causing China to cut off broadcast of their games as punishment. Almost within the same week, Activision Blizzard punished E-Sports player Blitzchung after he spoke in support of Hong Kong independence during a Hearthstone tournament livestream.
しかしながら、先程述べた問題よりも中国における対外投資の方が、実際のところ最も注目を引きました。2019年10月に、2つの事件が世間の注目を集めました。ヒューストン・ロケッツのダリル・モーリー・ゼネラルマネジャーが香港デモを応援するようなツイートを投稿しました原因で、中国政府は米NBAに謝罪を要求しました、そして罰としてNBAゲームの放送を停止しました。その週の後になって、ハースストーンの世界大会に、eスポーツプレイヤーBlitzchungは同じく香港デモを支持する声明のせいで、米ゲーム大手のBlizzard Entertainmentからペナルティを受けました。

In both cases, Chinese investment in a foreign company was used as leverage to pressure them into censorship in line with Chinese policy. In essence, China exported its censorship to other countries through its foreign business ties. The phenomenon became public enough that it garnered a response from President Trump, and even an episode of South Park.

Of course, this is hardly new. It’s already common knowledge that Hollywood has been designing its movies to maximize marketability in China for several years. Google briefly planned to design a censored search engine for the Chinese market, before (at least ostensibly) abandoning the plan in 2018 due to internal protests.

But even considering that, the recent growth of Chinese foreign investment (particularly in the video game industry) has been notable. As of late 2019, the Chinese entertainment giant Tencent has acquired stakes in over a dozen different gaming companies ranging from 5 to 100%, including well known names like Riot, Epic, Ubisoft, Activision, and Discord. Early 2020 even saw Japan’s Platinum Games accept a capital investment from Tencent as the basis of a partnership. While Platinum’s CEO assured fans that the partnership had no effect on the independence of the company, the news nonetheless raised some eyebrows.

And with good reason. Chinese investment in the gaming sphere has come with several strings attached in the past. Tencent’s 5% stake in Ubisoft, for example, came in exchange for being a silent partner with no option to expand its voting rights. But in Novermber of 2018, Ubisoft tried to change the visual elements of its game Rainbow Six Seige globally in line with Chinese standards. This was quickly reversed after fan backlash, but regardless Tencent’s lack of voting rights in the company didn’t seem to have any effect on its ability to dictate changes.
そして、不安を感じる理由は十分にあります。これまでに、ゲーム産業における中国から条件付き投資の例は数あります。例えば、TencentがUbisoftの5%の株を取得した時、Tencentを経営における議決権の一票として数えない、従って経営方針に口出ししない「サイレント・パートナー」として投資することを条件として株主として認められました。それにもかかわらず、2018年11月にUbisoftは「レインボーシックス シージ」というゲームのビジュアルをグローバルに中国の政策にかなうように変更しようとしました。ファンからの反発のおかげで決定は撤回されましたが、Tencentはサイレント・パートナーであるにもかかわらず、それでもUbisoftの決定を左右できるに見えます。

In July of 2019, Taiwanese game maker Red Candle was forced to pull their latest game offline after the Chinese government revoked the business license of their Chinese distributor. The reason? The game featured an image of a Winnie the Pooh meme mocking President Xi Jinping.
2019年7月に、中国政府は中国国内のとある流通業者の事業免許を取り消した後、台湾のゲームスタジオRed Candleの最新ゲームの発売を完全に停止しました。その原因は、習近平国家主席を「クマのプーさん」に見立て嘲笑うといった内容のミームがゲームの中に仕込まれていたことです。

But why does any of this matter? Well, game fans certainly don’t want to see their favorite games censored by China. But even people who’ve never played a video game have reason to be worried.

In 1978, China’s economic reform was hailed as a first step in making the country more free. The theory was that economic incentives would encourage the government to allow greater liberty for all. The degree to which this has been successful is open to debate, but it all hinges on the assumption that China’s motives for participating would be just to make more money.

But what if that wasn’t the main reason? Money, after all, is just an abstraction for access to resources. Control over resources equals power. And if there’s one thing an authoritarian government wants a monopoly on, it’s power. I would argue China’s real motive for participating in the global economy was more about exerting power over others; make as much money as possible through State controlled companies, and then invest that money in foreign businesses, or attract them into the country. Afterwards, the threat of withdrawing those resources can be used to manipulate those companies into toeing the Chinese line.
とはいえ、中国の《真意》とは一体何なのでしょうか? マネー(お金)は基本的に資源へのアクセスの抽象的目安にしか過ぎません。資源の支配権こそが権力への鍵なのです。そしてまた、独裁政権は飽くなき権力の独占を渇望するものです。世界経済に参加する中国の真の動機は、「他の国にも中国内の権力を及ばせる」ことであると考えられます。国営企業を利用しできる限り利益を得て、さらに対外の企業に投資することで、中国市場に惹きつけます。そして、その時に「投資の撤退」という選択肢が、対外企業を中国政府の方針に従わせるのです。

And if we use Hollywood and the gaming industry as an example, it’s obviously working. Large companies often cite the need to access the Chinese market to ensure future growth. And for small game studios, employees speaking off the record have admitted that access to the Chinese market can be the difference between staying afloat or going under.

Some would argue that this isn’t exclusive to China… and they’d be right. Any nation with enough market power can play the same trick, and some have. And no matter who’s doing this, it’s a problem. It uses the economy as a weapon to subvert the free will and agency of individuals, and left unchecked it also undermines the sovereignty of nations. Japan is already starting to imitate Chinese Social Credit with things like Line Score and J-Score, and the recent move by Kagawa Prefecture to set legal time limits on playing video games sounds uncomfortably similar to a Chinese law passed just last year. And the last thing any country needs to do is be more like China.

So what can we do about it? There are no easy answers, of course, but there are a few things we can at least keep in mind. As individuals, we can withdraw our financial support from companies that bend the knee to China, and give our support to companies that resist. On the national level, countries should keep their sovereignty and independence in mind when crafting trade policy. The United States, for example, has been criticized for engaging in a trade war with China… but the fact is, US trade restrictions can actually help smaller nations wean themselves off dependence on the Chinese economy. Japan in particular would do well to use this opportunity to shift away from China and cooperate with other nations in the region instead.

Companies caught in this conflict have an ever harder decision to make. Money is the lifeblood of a business, and few would voluntarily choose to make less of it. But chasing short-term profit makes it easier to be manipulated into self-destructive choices by bad actors. And if the only way for a company to succeed is to play by the CPC’s rules, then perhaps the only winning move is not to play at all.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI, and until next time… MACHIUKENASAI.

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