アノニマスの見解 Ep 18.5:香川ゲーム条例アップデート

Hello everybody. It’s rare for us to do a follow-up on a previous Anonymous no Kenkai, but in the time since we released our last video on the Kagawa Game Ordinance, some very interesting news has come out that needs to be shared. If you haven’t watched Episode 18 yet, you might want to pause this video and go watch that for the background information to understand what’s going on. But otherwise, let’s begin.

First, on April 16th, the Kagawa Prefectural Government website published an incident report about the loss of a shared computer in their offices. According to the incident report, a staff member reported the computer as missing after checking the equipment on March 17th. Although they searched for it and interviewed staff, they were unable to find it. The cause of the loss was listed as poor management, and the office decided to store shared computers in a locked cabinet in future. Why expensive equipment wasn’t already secured this way remains an unsolved mystery.

This incident doesn’t seem related or particularly important at first glance, but please remember that Kagawa’s Game Ordinance was approved on March 18th…one day after this computer went missing. This will be important later in the story.

Second, on April 13th, local news network “KSB” published a report based on a Freedom of Information request into the Game Ordinance’s Public Comment period. What they found was that of the 2269 supporting comments, many of them were exactly the same, right down to the use of spaces and line breaks. Most were simply one-line answers such as “I agree” or “I agree with the expectation of a bright future with the passage of the ordinance”. The bulk of these identical comments arrived within minutes of each other, one after the other.

The Kagawa Prefectural Office redacted the personal information of commenters, of course, to protect private information. But some of the information they left unredacted led to an even more interesting discovery.

Starting at 8:47am on January 31st and continuing on until 5:25pm on February 5th, the Prefectural Office received a series of one-line public comments supporting the Ordinance through the contact form on their website. Left unredacted was the header information from each submission, including the useragent string and IP address. Dozens of these messages had identical useragents, and all of them seemed to come from the same IP address… For anybody familiar with networks, this is obviously an internal address. In other words, they couldn’t come from the outside internet. They had to come from a device connected to the same internal network as the Prefectural Office’s webserver, which should only be accessible to Prefectural Office staff.

It’s incredibly interesting that a shared computer in that same office would vanish just one day before the Prefecture voted to pass the Game Ordinance. It’s even more interesting that members of the Review Committee would urge a quick vote due to the overwhelming number of supporting comments.

But the even with the stink of corruption hanging so heavily in the air around the Kagawa Prefectural Government, there’s little that can be done now that the Ordinance has passed. It would take a legal challenge in court to stop the Ordinance at this point, ideally on constitutional grounds.

Well, good news…

Just this month, a 17-year old boy in Kagawa Prefecture known only as “Wataru” announced plans to take Kagawa Prefecture to court over the unconstitutionality of and the human rights violations within the Game Ordinance. Namely, that it violates Article 94, the right to self-determination, among a half-dozen other constitutional violations. “Wataru” has retained the services of a well-known lawyer, and plans to crowdfund his legal fees. We’ll provide more information about the crowdfunding campaign as it becomes available.

We hope everybody viewing this can support Wataru’s case, either through crowdfunding or just by spreading the word. The Kagawa Game Ordinance needs to be struck down, and an opportunity like this for the Gamers of Japan, and the world, to Rise Up may never come again. Everybody, let’s make the most of it.

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