アノニマスの見解 Ep.9: 「私の安全に対して誰が責任を持っているのか?」

Hello internet. And happy birthday to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI, which is now one year old.

Sadly the series has lagged behind “once a month” like I had originally planned, but I’d rather focus on quality over quantity, so every two months might be more realistic. My apologies.

We spent a lot of time over 2017 talking about the Why and How of personal privacy and anti-surveillance. We talked about the dangers of the filter bubble and the skinner box, we talked about the dangers of government surveillance power, and we also talked about the tools you can use to protect yourself from both. But there is one more issue that needs addressing. What if these anonymity and privacy tools are abused?

As much as some try to paint the question as concern trolling, it is a valid one and it needs to be addressed. Encryption tools like Tor and PGP are free and available to all, which means they’re available to criminal groups as well. Crimes can be planned in encrypted chat. Harassment and abuse can hide behind Tor or a VPN. Private information can be anonymously leaked to the internet. The so-called Dark Web is home to a lot of morally questionable, even outright criminal onion sites.

To be clear, these are all terrible things. And they need to be opposed, and victims protected. But every time a bad actor earns the spotlight by doing these things, people point to their abuse and claim this is the reason why privacy tools should be kept out of common hands. But is this really fair?

It would be cliche to talk about how any tool can be abused; knives can cook dinner or slit throats, trucks can delivery goods or ram into crowds, etc. It would also be cliche to talk about how everybody has curtains on their windows and locks on their doors. These arguments, while valid, don’t really get to the heart of the matter. To understand this issue, the question we need to ask ourselves is, “Who is responsible for my safety?”

Safety is important, of course. It ranks second in Maslow’s hierarchy after physiological needs. But not everybody will see eye to eye on best way to maintain it, especially on the societal level. In our modern world, the standard is to entrust the government and police with our safety. And to a certain degree, that works. But it comes with a price.

When you outsource your security, you’re taking power out of your own hands and giving it to someone else. This opens you up to considerable risk. Sure, the police can protect you from criminals. Maybe. But if the police become corrupt, who’s going to protect you from them? If you give up the ability to defend yourself, or make self-defense illegal in the name of “public safety”, all you’re doing is exposing yourself to more danger in the long run. There are more than a few countries who put all of their trust in the State and ended up regretting it. Power does corrupt, after all. Even if you like and trust the police now, things can easily change in the future.

Ask yourself this: which would you prefer, having multiple weaker enemies and the ability to defend yourself, or being completely helpless against one powerful enemy?

Chinese people gave their government total control of the internet. Now the Communist Party of China monitors every citizen, and controls every word. North Korea is even worse. The Americans gave in to fear, and now look at the surveillance police state they live in.

Modern Japan is largely a safe country. The police do their job reasonably well… though when they make mistakes or go too far, the consequences can still be terrible. But in the online world, things are a bit different. As we’ve already talked about before, police and governments around the world seem to think that a Total Surveillance Panopticon is a good solution to policing the Internet. We, of course, disagree.

We feel that individuals on the Net are best served by having access to the tools and the knowledge to defend themselves. Yes, bad actors will take and use these tools too. But there are bad actors everywhere in life, and the only way to be completely safe at all times is to live in prison. The police will still investigate and arrest criminals, as they should, but everybody should also have the right…and the responsibility…to learn the basics of online security, and make their own choices about what risks they want to take. Anyone who tries to take that right away from you could potentially end up a bigger threat than any criminal.

And as for these bad actors themselves, the ones using privacy and anonymity tools for harmful ends, there’s really only one thing to say to them…

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI. And until next time…MACHIUKENASAI.

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